Senin, 01 November 2010

tugas atat kami

Metode untuk Analisis P, J. L. Kovar dan G.M. Pierzynski (eds)

Fraksinasi Fosfor dalam Tanah Banjir dan Sedimen
Philip Moore, USDA-ARS, Fayetteville, AR
Frank Coale, University of Maryland

Fosfor (P) kimia dalam tanah dan sedimen sangat dipengaruhi oleh status oksidasi-reduksi (redoks potensial). Dalam kondisi teroksidasi, oksida besi dan manganic dan hidroksida adalah situs adsorpsi penting untuk P. Selain itu, mineral besi dan fosfat manganic, seperti strengite (FePO4.2H2O), dan trivalen fosfat Mn (MnPO3.1.5H2O) dapat membentuk dan bertahan di bawah kondisi teroksidasi. Namun, di bawah kondisi ini mengurangi mineral yang tidak stabil, mengakibatkan pembubaran dan pelepasan P larut ke dalam larutan tanah. (Patrick et al, 1973;. Emerson, 1976; Emerson dan Widmer, 1978; Boyle dan Lindsay, 1986; Moore dan Reddy, 1994).
Sejak Fe dan Mn pembentukan mineral fosfat dikendalikan oleh potensial redoks tanah atau sedimen, penting bahwa tanah dan sedimen yang dikumpulkan dalam kondisi dikurangi ditangani dengan tepat selama fraksinasi P untuk mendapatkan gambaran yang akurat tentang status P. Membiarkan sedimen anaerobik menjadi hasil teroksidasi dalam konversi yang cepat dari besi ferrous (Fe2 +) untuk besi ferric (Fe3 +). Dalam waktu yang sangat singkat (detik sampai menit), padat fasa Fe (OH) 3 presipitasi dari larutan. Segar endapan hidroksida besi memiliki kapasitas yang luar biasa P sorpsi, dan mereka dapat menyebabkan tingkat P larut dalam porewater yang akan dikurangi dengan pesanan besarnya dalam hitungan menit. Untuk menghindari ini, contoh harus dipertahankan dalam kondisi anerobic selama fase awal fraksinasi P.
skema ekstraksi Sequential untuk P (fraksinasi fosfor) telah digunakan oleh berbagai pekerja selama 60 tahun terakhir, namun ini bukan menuntut ilmu (Dean, 1938; Williams, 1950; Chang dan Jackson, 1957; Williams et al, 1967.; Chang et al, 1983)..Harus diingat bahwa ini adalah metode agak kasar, dengan banyak extractants menyebabkan pembubaran lebih dari satu jenis fasa P padat. Sebagai contoh, natrium hidroksida sering digunakan untuk mengekstrak Al dan Fe-P terikat (van Eck, 1982; Hieltjes dan Lijklema, 1980). Namun, senyawa ini juga akan mengambil fraksi organik P, terutama di tanah yang telah sangat dipupuk di masa lalu. Oleh karena itu, penulis harus menyadari kekeliruan perangkap dan metode kita menguraikan, dan menggunakannya hanya ketika mereka prosedur terbaik yang tersedia.

1. PVC atau plexiglas silinder untuk mengambil inti
2. Dimurnikan N2
3. Sarung tangan tas
4. Vacumn pompa
5. Centrifuge dan 250 tabung centrifuge mL dengan topi dilengkapi dengan septums karet
1. Dideionisasi air
2. 1 M KCl
3. 0,1 M NaOH
4. 0,5 M HCl
5. Konsentrat HCl (trace metal grade) 61
Metode untuk Analisis P, J. L. Kovar dan G.M. Pierzynski (eds)

Prosedur fraksionasi P dijelaskan di bawah ini mirip dengan van Eck (1982) sebagaimana telah diubah oleh Moore dan Reddy (1994).
Membanjiri tanah atau sedimen sampel dapat diambil dengan PVC atau plexiglas silinder. Perangkat coring harus miring dari luar sehingga dapat dimasukkan ke dalam sedimen.
Dalam kondisi tertentu, seperti di rawa garam atau sawah, mungkin perlu untuk pon pada perangkat coring dengan palu untuk mencapai kedalaman sampling yang diinginkan. Sampel dapat dikembalikan ke laboratorium dalam pengambilan sampel silinder atau dapat ditransfer ke tabung sentrifus pra-ditimbang. Jika itu harus diangkut dalam silinder, maka penyumbat karet harus ditempatkan pada bagian bawah inti untuk menahan sedimen di tempatnya. Ini adalah ide yang baik untuk rekaman stopper di tempat. Jika sampel yang diambil pada kondisi banjir, meninggalkan beberapa banjir di atas sampel. Jika sampel telah diambil dari dasar danau, maka seluruh ruang atas harus diisi dengan air danau dan stopper harus ditempatkan di atas silinder juga. Hal ini akan mengurangi jumlah gemetar dan meminimalkan gangguan dari sedimen / antarmuka air.
Jika sampel yang diambil dalam bidang pertanian banjir atau jenuh, transfer langsung ke dalam tabung sentrifus 250 mL polikarbonat. Adalah penting bahwa alat untuk mengeluarkan biji sampling memiliki diameter dalam sedikit lebih kecil dari diameter dalam tabung centrifuge. Untuk mengambil sampel, hanya mendorong alat untuk mengeluarkan biji ke sedimen ke kedalaman yang diinginkan (misalnya, 10 cm).Mungkin sulit untuk menghilangkan inti dari sedimen tanpa mengganggu sampel.Mungkin perlu untuk menahan sedimen di tempat dari bawah inti (biasanya dengan tangan) saat menarik keluar inti dari tanah untuk mencegah tanah dari jatuh keluar. Jika tanah relatif halus tekstur inti dapat bergoyang sisi ke sisi dan dihapus. Setelah inti telah dihapus dari sedimen, tuangkan air off dan tempat silinder di atas mulut tabung centrifuge. Jika sampel tersebut berasal dari tanah bertekstur kasar, ia akan jatuh ke dalam tabung. Namun, ketika kandungan clay tinggi, maka akan mematuhi inti sampling. Dalam hal ini diperlukan untuk memiliki pelantak dengan stopper karet (diameter luar sedikit lebih kecil dari sampling diameter dalam silinder's) untuk memaksa sampel ke dalam tabung centrifuge.
Setelah sampel di tabung centrifuge, tabung tekan pada permukaan yang keras (telapak tangan Anda) untuk mengizinkan semua gelembung udara entrained untuk melarikan diri ke permukaan.
Jika gelembung udara tidak dihapus, maka sampel akan menjadi teroksidasi. Selanjutnya, tutup sekrup ke tabung sentrifus dan memasukkan jarum 12 gauge melalui septum karet di atas tabung itu. Masukkan jarum 12 gauge lain yang terhubung melalui tygon pipa ke silinder gas N2 dan mulai membersihkan. Membersihkan ruang atas selama 5-10 menit dengan N2 pada tekanan dari sekitar 69 kPa (10 psi). Tekanan ini, ditambah dengan ukuran jarum, akan menghasilkan suara mendesis keras, tidak adanya suara mungkin berarti jarum yang tersumbat dengan sedimen. jarum ekstra harus diambil ke lapangan dalam kasus ini terjadi. Setelah membersihkan sampel, melepaskan jarum tidak terhubung ke N2 pertama, maka jarum lainnya. Hal ini memungkinkan tekanan positif N2 pada sampel, sehingga jika kebocoran wadah, kebocoran akan keluar.
Jika sampel untuk diproses dalam waktu kurang dari dua hari, pendinginan tidak diperlukan. Untuk periode yang lebih lama, sampel harus memakai es untuk memperlambat aktivitas biologis. Perlu dicatat bahwa banyak plastik, seperti polikarbonat, memungkinkan difusi lambat oksigen. Jika sampel disimpan selama berbulan-bulan di lemari es, sedimen di sepanjang dinding tabung akan berubah warna 62.
Metode untuk Analisis P, J. L. Kovar dan G.M. Pierzynski (eds)
untuk merah dan oranye, seperti oksigen masuk tabung dan mengoksidasi besi. Jika hal ini terjadi, sampel tidak harus digunakan. Air-Larut P: Fraksi pertama P yang akan diekstraksi dari sampel adalah P. air-larut Jika sampel diambil di core sedimen utuh dan peneliti keinginan untuk mendapatkan distribusi kedalaman P dalam inti, maka tas sarung tangan diperlukan. Tempatkan atas inti ke dalam tas sarung tangan. Juga setiap tempat persediaan (spatula, tabung centrifuge dibersihkan, jarum suntik, dll) ke dalam kantong. Isi kantong dengan gas N2, dan kosongkan dua atau tiga kali untuk memastikan itu adalah oksigen bebas. Gunakan pelantak dengan stopper karet (plunger) seperti dijelaskan di atas untuk perlahan-lahan mendorong sedimen ke permukaan. Menggunakan spatula, mengambil sampel pertama ke kedalaman yang diinginkan [itu membantu untuk memiliki selisih kedalaman (misalnya, 5 cm) ditandai pada alat untuk mengeluarkan biji plexiglas].
\Setelah sedimen telah ditempatkan di tabung, tekan tabung untuk menyingkirkan gelembung. Kemudian dorong plunger ke atas lain cm 5 (atau apa pun kedalaman yang diinginkan). Ulangi proses ini sampai semua sampel di tabung. Buka tas sarung tangan dan membersihkan ruang atas dalam tabung centrifuge seperti yang dijelaskan sebelumnya. headspace harus anaerobik, jika tas sarung tangan bekerja dengan benar. Namun, jumlah jejak O2 dapat menyebabkan masalah, jadi ini langkah tambahan sangat diperlukan. Jika sampel dipindahkan ke tabung sentrifus di lapangan, pembersihan mereka di laboratorium segera sebelum sentrifugasi untuk membuat headspace tertentu adalah oksigen bebas.
Pertama, mencatat berat tabung ditambah sedimen. Karena berat tabung tercatat sebelumnya, berat basah sedimen akan diketahui. Centrifuge sampel pada 7500 rpm selama 20 menit. Pada titik ini sampel yang paling rentan terhadap oksidasi, karena porewater dipisahkan dari tanah.
Oleh karena itu, jangan buka tabung centrifuge kecuali Anda siap untuk menyaring segera.Adalah lebih baik untuk menyaring sampel dengan cepat, sehingga filtrasi vakum sangat direkomendasikan, menggunakan filter membran 0,45 pM. Hidupkan pompa dan cepat terbuka dan tuangkan larutan tanah ke filter. Ini harus filter dalam beberapa detik. Cepat supernatan tuangkan ke dalam wadah plastik dan mengasamkan sampel dengan HCl pekat sampai pH 2. Ini adalah wajib bahwa sampel yang larut dalam air akan diasamkan. Jika tidak, ketika sampel mengoksidasi, besi larut akan mengendap P larut, seperti yang dibahas sebelumnya. Jika pengukuran pH harus diambil, tidak menyaring semua sampel. Menggunakan jarum suntik 60 mL, menghapus alikuot yang cocok untuk porewater untuk pengukuran pH. Pegang jarum suntik tegak dan menyingkirkan setiap gelembung udara. Jaga sampel di suntik sampai pH diukur. Membanjiri tanah / sedimen sampel memiliki tekanan parsial CO2 tinggi (sering lebih besar dari 5%).
Jika degassing terjadi sebelum pengukuran pH, pH sering akan berubah oleh satu sampai dua unit. Sampel, diasamkan disaring untuk P-larut air dapat dianalisis dengan beberapa metode. Jika metode Murphy-Riley (Murphy dan Riley, 1962) digunakan, maka anaylses dapat disebut P. reaktif seperti larut Hal ini dianggap larut karena melewati membran pM 0,45, dan reaktif karena bereaksi dengan reagen di metode Murphy-Riley.
Sedimen sisa dari fraksi yang larut dalam air akan digunakan untuk fraksinasi tersisa.Oleh karena itu, setelah porewater telah dihapus, sekrup tutup kembali tabung dan membersihkan dengan N2 untuk mempertahankan kondisi anaerobik. Longgar diserap P: Berbagai garam telah digunakan di masa lalu untuk longgar diserap P. van Eck (1982) NH4Cl digunakan untuk tujuan ini. Namun, dalam banyak studi fokus pada P, juga diinginkan untuk mengukur 63.
Metode untuk Analisis P, J. L. Kovar dan G.M. Pierzynski (eds)
jumlah yang hadir N anorganik seperti amonium. Oleh karena itu, Moore dan Reddy (1994) dimanfaatkan KC1 untuk fraksi ini, sehingga NH4 ditukar (dan logam tukar minus K) bisa ditentukan pada satu sampel. Setelah porewater telah dihapus untuk P-larut air, tabung harus ditimbang untuk menentukan berapa banyak air yang telah dihapus dari sampel. Selanjutnya, tabung ditempatkan ke dalam kantong sarung tangan dan dibersihkan dengan gas N2 seperti dijelaskan di atas. Sedimen dalam tabung kemudian harus dihomogenkan dengan spatula, dan suatu sub-sampel (sekitar 1 gram berat kering) harus dipindahkan ke lain pra-ditimbang tabung centrifuge. subsampel lain akan diambil untuk kadar air, sehingga berat yang tepat dari sampel untuk fraksinasi P dikenal. Sementara masih di tas sarung tangan, tambahkan 20 ml de-aerasi 1 M KCl ke tabung.
Ketika tabung dikeluarkan dari tas sarung tangan, membersihkan kembali dengan gas N2 untuk memastikan headspace adalah oksigen bebas.
Kocok tabung selama 2 jam pada reciprocating shaker, lalu centrifuge pada 7.500 rpm selama 20 menit, dan dengan cepat menyaring melalui membran 0,45 pM seperti dijelaskan di atas. supernatan harus diasamkan sampai pH 2 dengan HCl pekat.Sampel kemudian dapat dianalisis dengan metode Murphy-Riley.
Fraksi ini secara longgar diserap P. Setelah fraksi ini telah diambil, tindakan pencegahan untuk mempertahankan kondisi anaerobik tidak lagi diperlukan. Tuang KCl kelebihan, lalu menimbang lagi. Bobot masing-masing fraksi berturut-turut diperlukan untuk menghitung cairan entrained (mengandung P larut) dari ekstraksi sebelumnya. Aluminium dan P Besi-terikat: Sedimen sisa dari ekstraksi KCl akan digunakan "sebagaimana adanya" untuk ekstraksi berikutnya (dengan NaOH). Tambahkan 20 mL 0,1 M NaOH untuk sampel, dan kocok selama 17 jam. Kemudian sentrifus pada 7500 rpm dan menyaring melalui filter membran 0,45 pM. Analisis dengan menggunakan metode Murphy-Riley. fraksi ini disebut sebagai Al dan P. Fe-terikat Perlu dicatat bahwa beberapa peneliti akan membagi sampel ini dan mencerna setengah sampel sebelum analisis dengan Murphy-Riley. Perbedaan antara sampel NaOH tercerna dan sampel NaOH dicerna ini disebut sebagai "P. organik-terikat" Kalsium-terikat atau Apatite P: Setelah menghapus NaOH kelebihan dan menimbang sampel sebelumnya, tambahkan 20 mL 0,5 M HCl dan kocok selama 24 jam
Jika sedimen yang mengandung karbonat bebas, terbuka sampel selama 15 menit pertama atau lebih untuk mengurangi tekanan dari penumpukan CO2. Setelah mereka telah terguncang selama 24 jam, filter melalui filter membran 0,45 pM, dan menganalisa dengan menggunakan metode Murphy-Riley. alikuot ini disebut sebagai Ca-P terikat, tetapi juga dapat berisi beberapa P. Organik
Sisa P: Sampel yang tersisa kemudian dapat dianalisis untuk P total menyusul pencernaan asam nitrat-perklorat atau metode lain yang sesuai. Hal ini hanya disebut P sebagai residu, karena mungkin berisi beberapa Al dan Fe-P terikat, serta sisa organik P. P juga dapat dihitung dengan mengukur P total pada sampel asli dan mengurangkan berbagai fraksi

Metode untuk Analisis P, J. L. Kovar dan G.M. Pierzynski (eds)

Retensi dan Flux Fosfor dalam Tanah H.
Thanh Dao, USDA-ARS, Beltsville, MD
Dalam tanah dan sedimen, fisikokimia dan proses biologis bersama-sama bertindak untuk mengontrol fosfor (P) dalam larutan. The reaktif larut P fraksi diambil oleh tanaman, diasingkan di tanah, atau menyebar di lingkungan sekitarnya. Meskipun mekanisme utama untuk angkutan lingkungan P dari tanah pertanian adalah dengan erosi dan limpasan permukaan, kasus spesifik gerakan bawah permukaan telah dilaporkan (Heckrath et al, 1995; Eghball et al, 1996;.. Gachter et al, 1998.). P pertanian masukan ke perairan permukaan terdekat telah dikaitkan dengan ganggang beracun dan penipisan oksigen dalam sistem perairan.
Pemahaman peningkatan retensi P dan mekanisme transportasi yang dibutuhkan untuk mengembangkan praktek manajemen untuk mengurangi transportasi P dan masukan ke permukaan air. Khas metode yang digunakan untuk menilai perilaku lingkungan asli dan ditambahkan P di ekosistem daratan dan perairan mencakup prosedur-prosedur untuk mengukur kapasitas retensi tanah dan sedimen dan parameter kinetik yang terkait. Fosfor retensi telah biasa ditentukan dengan metode keseimbangan batch di mana tanah atau sedimen sampel yang gelisah dengan solusi P konsentrasi diketahui (Graetz dan Nair, 2008, publikasi ini).
Suspensi diequilibrasi untuk waktu yang cukup untuk mencapai keseimbangan jelas dalam sistem. Keuntungan dan kerugian teknik telah ditinjau secara ekstensif (Hijau dan Karickoff, 1990; Sparks et al, 1996.). Metode Flow juga telah digunakan untuk mempelajari gerakan air dan zat terlarut terlarut, proses retensi dan desorpsi, untuk P khususnya (Rao et al, 1979;. van Riemsdijk dan van der Linden, 1984; Miller et al, 1989;. Beauchemin et al, 1996)..metode Flow adalah sistem terbuka dimana zat terlarut dan produk reaksi dengan konstituen tanah dan sedimen dihapus, meminimalkan re-adsorpsi, reaksi pengendapan sekunder, atau penghambatan desorpsi. Parameter penting termasuk fluks air, kimia dan hidrodinamika dispersi, penyerapan, karakteristik pertukaran dan desorpsi, dan tingkat transformasi koefisien.
Pendekatan perpindahan aliran memfasilitasi simulasi desorpsi-sorpsi dinamis, transformasi, dan transportasi P dalam sistem tanah dan air. Studi Pemindahan memberikan wawasan dalam kinetika pelepasan P dan fisik dan kimia non-ekuilibrium kondisi yang dapat mempengaruhi mineralisasi hara dan transportasi di tanah. Kolom percobaan telah dilakukan untuk mempelajari perpindahan larut bahan kimia organik (Hijau dan Corey, 1971; Rao et al, 1979;. Dao et al, 1980;. Wagenet dan Rao, 1990) dan PO4-P khususnya (van Riemsdijk dan van der Linden, 1984; Miller et al, 1989; Chen et al, 1996)... Terobosan kurva karakteristik hasil kesetimbangan adsorpsi-desorpsi non-dan interaksi tanah-pelarut-zat terlarut (Hijau dan Karickoff, 1990; Chen et al, 1996.).
Bahan dan Peralatan:
1 Kolom terbuat dari pipa PVC diameter dalam diketahui (ID) berkisar antara 5 sampai 100 mm dan panjang antara 100 sampai 300 mm.
66 Metode untuk Analisis P, J. L. Kovar dan G.M. Pierzynski (eds)
2. Pengaturan botol Mariott untuk mencapai kepala hidrolik konstan di atas asupan kolom untuk aliran steady-state.
3. Seorang kolektor fraksi, beroperasi pada mode-waktu atau volume-based.
4. Sebuah spektrofotometer untuk manual atau otomatis analisis P.
5. Centrifuge, untuk mencapai 10.000 x g.

Reagen :
1. larutan nutrisi P-bebas, yaitu, deionisasi air atau larutan CaCl2 0.01M. Larutkan 1, 47 g CaCl2 • 2H2O dalam air deionisasi dan encer untuk 1 L.
2. Solusi yang diketahui-konsentrasi Br (10 mg Br-L 1). Larutkan 0,0149 g KBr per L.
3. Solusi konsentrasi P dikenal (10 mg P-L 1). Larutkan 0,056 g K2HPO4 per L.
4. penghambat pertumbuhan mikroba, seperti aseton atau kloroform (20 g L-1 dari influen).
Tanah / kolom Sedimen. Entah mendapatkan core tanah utuh atau pak kolom dengan tanah secara merata campuran / bahan sedimen pada kepadatan keseluruhan Mg 1,2-1,3 m-3. Ujung bawah kolom dipasang dengan sepiring kaca fritted berpori dan port drainase.P sorpsiMemberikan dari botol Mariott mempertahankan kepala hidrolik konstan di atas asupan kolom untuk aliran steady-state. effluent dengan seorang kolektor Kumpulkan fraksi.fraksi mengasamkan efluen dan menentukan konsentrasi P.
P desorpsi. Setelah mencapai kondisi mapan keluar konsentrasi P, pengganti larutan nutrisi P-bebas sebagai influen untuk belajar desorpsi P dari tanah / kolom sedimen. Sangat penting untuk dapat beralih cepat dari satu solusi untuk yang lain dan meminimalkan pencampuran dari dua solusi di perakitan influen. Fraksi Kumpulkan efluen seperti sebelumnya, dan menentukan konsentrasi P.
Analisis P dalam limbah cair efluen melalui Filter 0.45-m membran atau centrifuge di 10, 000 xg selama 15 menit untuk menghilangkan partikel, kemudian mengasamkan dengan HCl (Perhitungan
Plot P konsentrasi terhadap baik waktu atau volume efluen untuk mendapatkan kurva limbah atau terobosan (BTC). Analisis BTCs sangat difasilitasi dengan mengekspresikan konsentrasi P sebagai konsentrasi relatif atau dikurangi (C / Co) dan volume efluen volume pori berdimensi. Hitung jumlah volume pori (V / Vo) dengan membagi jumlah limbah dengan kapasitas cairan dari kolom (Vo).
Yang terakhir dapat dihitung baik sebagai :67 Metode untuk Analisis P, J. L. Kovar dan G.M. Pierzynski (eds)
(I) Vo AL = q
dimana:Kolom A = luas penampang,
L = panjang,
q = kadar air volumetrik,

(Ii) dari perbedaan dalam berat kering awal kolom dan berat kolom jenuh pada akhir percobaan. Hambatan P (Rphos) relatif terhadap pergerakan depan air adalah ukuran dari interaksi antara tanah dan P. Secara sederhana, nilai V / Vo pada C / Co = 0,5 adalah aproksimasi dari Rphos. Seperti geometri pori yang unik untuk setiap kolom tanah, sebuah BTC untuk pelacak air yang tidak bereaksi juga diperoleh, menyediakan referensi R dan ukuran kecepatan air pori. A kalium bromida (KBr) larutan influen digunakan untuk memperoleh kurva Br-terobosan.
Rasio Rphos untuk RBR akan menghasilkan faktor retardasi untuk P. Sebagai diperlukan, koefisien penyerapan ditentukan dari hubungan berikut antara R dan K ketika jerapan berhubungan linier terhadap konsentrasi larutan-fase zat terlarut (misalnya pada konsentrasi terlarut rendah),

r = densitas bulk tanah,
q = kadar air volumetrik.

Terobosan dari Br-juga ditentukan dalam menggunakan limbah potensiometri (et al Frankenberger, 1996.) Atau metode ion-kromatografi (Dao, 1991; Tabatabai dan Frankenberger, 1996). pelacak air organik seperti fluoro-natrium benzoat juga telah digunakan dalam studi pergerakan air banyak (Bowman, 1984). Beberapa pelacak dapat digunakan secara bersamaan, dan konsentrasi yang relatif lebih rendah pelacak diperlukan sebagai pendeteksi yang lebih rendah dan batas kuantifikasi yang dicapai dengan teknik kromatografi cairan. metode grafis kurva-fitting dan numerik kuadrat-prosedur yang tersedia untuk mendapatkan perkiraan faktor retardasi dan dispersi koefisien konstan dan kurva konsentrasi efluen pulsa-tipe (van Genuchten, 1980; Parker dan van Genuchten, 1984).kurva limbah Dihitung berdasarkan persamaan yang erat mendekati solusi analitis dari persamaan transport adveksi-dispersif (Danckwerts, 1953), 6
Metode untuk Analisis P, J. L. Kovar dan G.M. Pierzynski (eds) itu, ketika x L (panjang kolom), untuk mengurangi mana yang Peclet nomor, P = υL / D,R = aktor keterbelakangan, υ = pori air kecepatan, dan erfc = fungsi kesalahan melengkapi. Jumlah kuadrat dari residual antara pengamatan dan perhitungan konsentrasi efluen relatif diminimalkan dengan optimasi iteratif R dan jumlah Peclet (atau tidak langsung koefisien dispersi D).
Volume-konstan pompa pengiriman pelarut dapat digunakan untuk metering dari solusi influen. Mempertahankan kondisi aliran konstan sangat penting dalam penelitian perpindahan durasi diperpanjang. Programmable pompa dapat digunakan untuk mempelajari keadaan tunak atau rezim aliran transien. studi Transportasi dalam kondisi tak jenuh dilakukan oleh dimasukkannya ruang vakum di sekitar bagian bawah kolom dan kolektor fraksi.

Jumat, 22 Oktober 2010

i love shinee

shinee, sekarang lagi di demam shinee nih!!!

pa lagi kalaulagi denger suaranya onew, wah rasanya  bagus banget, tenag

kapan yah shinee datang ke indonesia lagi....

yah ini mah cuma bisa nunggu aja???

aku senag semua personilnya shinee, gak terkecuali......

tapi yang paling kau kagumi yah leader nya

siapa lagi kalau bukan onew..

bagiku onew is the best,

taemin itu caktik banget,,,,,

kalau minho hmmm

gimana yah!!!!!!

minho ituseorang model jadi yah wajar aja kalau kerenz banget,,

tapi pas awal-awal shinee 2008dulu minho itumasih manis bangrt imoed....

pasti banyak yang setuju.

kalau masalah suara hyunghun mah emang tinggi banget tuh suara,

kalau suara ku kayak suara dia gimana yah?????

satu lagi Key.....

key itu fashionebel banget, kok mau yah rambutnya di potong separuh kayak gitu>>>>>>>>>>>>.

Kamis, 21 Oktober 2010


liryc hello

reol tae reul pomyeon na eorikinun hangabwa nunape dugodo eoji haljul mola

Eoteohgedeul sarangeul sijanhago inunji saranghanun saramdeul malhaeyuyo
Eonjenga geunyeo soneul jaba bolnal olkkayo
Gameun dunun wie kiss hanun naldo wajolkkayo
Hello hello nareum daero yonggil naesseoyo
Hello hello jamsyegi halraeyo
Hello hello naega jom seotoljin molado

Who knows eojjeom urin jal dwiljido mola
Naega dagaseoya hanunji jom da gidareoya hanunji
Modu dareun maleul hanun ge deo eoryeoweo (mideul su eobgessjyo)
Bogiboda nuni nopayo ireon ilnan heunchi anhayo naemal mideojweo

Yo yeah

Amureohji eonhge geunyeol aneul nal olkkayo
Saengakhan daereu modu irwojindan malmideoyo

Hello hello nareumdero yonggil naesseoyo
Hello hello jamsyegi halraeyo
Hello hello naega jom seotoljin molado
Find More lyrics at 

Who knows eojjeom urin oh yeah
Cheoeumeun anijyo sasil malhajamyeon sarangdo ibyeoldo haebwassjyo
Hasiman eoryeoweoyo I mareul mideojweoyo geudaenun dalrayo

Hello hello ibeonen nareul da geolgeyo
Hello hello ooh yeah baby baby baby girl
Hello hello jigeumeun eoteolji molado
Who knows eojjeom urin

Hello hello uuh yeah
Hello hello naege gihwireul jweoyo
Hello hello geurae jigeumeun eoteolji molado
Who knows? uri duri

Rap: Naegyeoteunl maemdon geu sigandeuleul gyesok
Geueoteon gippeumgwido bigyo moshae No more geudael ijyen pyohyeon hal su eopgyo
Nae soneul japneundamyeon Never let you go ireonge sarangimyeon seoldae an nohchyeo
Who knows uri duri
Unmyeongilji mola
Hello hello

[Jonghyun] Baby
Negae banhae beorin naegae wae irae
Dureopdago mulleoseoji malgo
Geunyang naegae matgyeobwala eoddae
My lady

liryc ring ding dong

[Key] Ring ding dong
Ring ding dong
Ring diggi ding diggi
Ding ding ding (x2)
[Taemin] Ring ding dong
Ring ding dong
Ring diggi ding diggi
Ding ding ding (x2)

[Key] Butterfly
Neoreul mannan chut sungan
Nooni beonjjeok meori stop
Belli ding dong oolleosseo

[Onew] Nan malya meotjinnom chakhannom
Geureon nomeun anijiman
Nareumdaero gwaenchaneun bad boy

[Taemin] Neodo machi butterfly
Neomu yakhae ppajeosseo
Neomu soonhae ppajeosseo
Neol gyeotae dweoyagaesseo

[Jonghyun] Deoneun geokjeongma geokjeongma
Naman mideobomyeon dwaejana
Niga neomu mamae deuleo
Nochil su eopneun geol

[All] Baby
Naega soomeul meomchool su oh crazy
Neomu yeppeo gyeondil su oh crazy
Neo animyeon pilyoeopda crazy
Na wae irae

We gonna go rocka rocka rocka rocka rocka rocka [Key] So fantastic
Go rocka rocka rocka rocka rocka rocka [Key] So elastic

Fantastic, fantastic, fantastic, fantastic
Elastic, elastic, elastic, elastic

[Key] Ring ding dong
Ring ding dong
Ring diggi ding diggi
Ding ding ding
[Taemin] Ojak neoman deullinda)

[Key] Ring ding dong
Ring ding dong
Ring diggi ding diggi
Ding ding ding
([Onew] Meorisokae oolinda)

[Taemin] Ring ding dong
Ring ding dong
Ring diggi ding diggi
Ding ding ding
([Key] Nae gaseumae oolinda)

[Taemin] Ring ding dong
Ring ding dong
Ring diggi ding diggi
Ding ding ding

[Jonghyun] I call you butterfly
Nali gamyeon galsurok
Mosi bakhyeo neoran geol
Haeyeonal su eopdaneun geol

[Key] Nareul seontaekhae (Dolikiji malgo)
Seontaekhae (Domanggaji malgo)
[Taemin] Negae ppajin baboin na
[Jonghyun] Nal chaekimjyeoya dwae

[All] Baby
Naega soomeul meomchool su oh crazy
Neomu yeppeo gyeondil su oh crazy
Neo animyeon pilyoeopda crazy
Na wae irae

[Minho] Nan chakhadi chakhanjeunghugooni
Geollin neoreul ihae mot hagaetda
[Key] Neon gakkeumssik geureon gojung
Emijireul talpi italhaebwa gwaenchanda

[Minho] Break out ([Key] Hey! ) (x4)
Ring ding ding ding ding diggi diggi ding ding
Dong dong dong dong dong dong

[Jonghyun] Sashil nan bulanhae
Eoddeokhae nal boneunji
[Taemin] Eojjeomyeon eojjeomyeon
Naegae hogameul gatgo itneunji molla
[Onew] Etorok anjeolbujeol hal subbakae eopseo
[Jonghyun] Dolikil su eopneun geol

[Onew] Complicated girl
[Minho] Jeoldae no lan daedaphaji ma
[Jonghyun] Na gwaenchaneun namjalan geol
[Taemin] Naega michyeobeolilji molla

[Key] Don't be silly girl (Silly girl)
[Onew] You're my miracle (My miracle)
[Jonghyun] Neoman gajil su itdamyeon
Naegaen da pilyoeopneun geol

[All] Baby
Naega soomeul meomchool su oh crazy
Neomu yeppeo gyeondil su oh crazy
Neo animyeon pilyoeopda crazy
Na wae irae 

We gonna go rocka rocka rocka rocka rocka rocka [Key] So fantastic
Go rocka rocka rocka rocka rocka rocka [Key] So elastic

Fantastic, fantastic, fantastic, fantastic
Elastic, elastic, elastic, elastic

[Key] Ring ding dong
Ring ding dong
Ring diggi ding diggi
Ding ding ding
([Taemin] Ojak neoman deullinda)

[Key] Ring ding dong
Ring ding dong
Ring diggi ding diggi
Ding ding ding
([Onew] Meorisokae oolinda)

[Taemin] Ring ding dong
Ring ding dong
Ring diggi ding diggi
Ding ding ding
([Key] Nae gaseumae oolinda)

[Taemin] Ring ding dong
Ring ding dong
Ring diggi ding diggi
Ding ding ding

liryc stand by me

Stand by me nal parabwajwo
Ajik sarangeul morujiman
Stand by me nal jikyobwajwo
Ajik sarange sotul-jiman

Noreul bulsurok kibuni chohwajyo
Nado mollae noraereul bullo
Han songi jangmireul sago shipojin
Iron nae moseub shingihande
Nae ma-eumi noyege dah-neundeuthae
I sesangi areumdawo
Iron solle-i-meul nodo neuggindamyon
Budi chogumman kidaryojwo

Together make it love
Forever making you smile
Noye hwanhan miso gadukhi
Together make it love
Forever making you smile
Ije naesoneul naesoneul chaba

Stand by me nareul parabwajyo
Ajik sarangeul moreujiman
Stand by me nareul jikyobwajwo
Ajik sarange sotungot kata
Noreul alsurok kaseumi ttollyowa
Na-neun geujo utgoman isso
Noyege salmyoshi kiseu haebol-kka
Chogum ni mame tagasol-kka
Nae ma-eumi ojjomyon sarangil-kka
Nan ajigeun sujubeunde
Ajik hangoreumdo tagasoji mothan
Naye sarangeul kidaryojwo

Together make it love
Forever making you smile
Noye hwanhan miso gadukhi
Together make it love
Forever making you smile
Ije chogumsshik chogumsshik kalkke

Stand by me nareul parabwajwo
Choum to kakkawo chigoshipo
Stand by me nareul jikyobwajwo
Jom do mochige boigo shipo

Nan chew-umen mollasso
Nugunga parabo-neun-ge
Ajikdo naema-eum molla
Keudae-neun keudaereul saranghae

Together make it love
Forever making you smile
Noye hwanhan miso gadukhi
Together make it love
Forever making you smile
Ije naesoneul naesoneul chaba

Stand by me nareul parabwajyo
Ajik sarangeul moreujiman
Stand by me nareul jikyobwajwo
Ajik sarange sotungot kata

liryc replay

Jonghyun: Noona neo muh yeh bbeo seo nam jah deul ee gah man ahn dweo
Heun deul ree neun keu nyeo ue mam sah sheel ahl goh eet seo

Onew: Keu nyeo eeh geh sah rang eun han sun gan ue neu ggeem eel bbun
Mwoh rah hae doh nah eeh gehn salm ue everything

All: Ah mah keu nyeo neun eoh reen nae gah buh dang seu reo uhn gah bwa
Key: Nahl pah rah boh neun nun bee chee mahl hae juh jahn ah
All: And I think I'm gonna hate it girl
Kkeu teh dah gah oo neun geol
Jonghyun: Gah seum ee mahl hae jun dah nuh gah mwoh rae doh

All: Noona neomu yeppeo
(Taemin: Keu keu nyeo reul boh neun nah neun) mee chyeo
Taemin: Hah hah jee man ee jehn jee chyeo
All: Replay Replay Replay
All: Chuh eok ee nae mam eul hal kweo eoh
(Taemin: Ah ah pah seo ee jehn mam eul) goh chyeo
Taemin: Dah dah gah oohl ee byeol eeh nan
All: Replay Replay Replay

Onew: Noona nah ue M.V.P buh reo uhm eeh bbu deut haet jee
Minho: Neul shee seon jeep jong keu nyeo wah ham ggeh eet neun nan So cool
Jonghyun: Jeh bahl ee son eul noh jee mahl jah deon nah ue dah jeem eun
Onew: Eoh neu sun gan buh teo geo jeet een geol ahl ah

All: Ah mah keu nyeo neun chak han nae gah byeol jae mee eob seot nah bwa
Key: Nahl dae hah neun moom jeet ee mahl hah goh eet jahn ah
All: And I think I'm gonna hate it girl
Kkeu teh dah gah oo neun geol
Jonghyun: Gah seum ee soh ree chee dah ee byeol ah peh seo

All: Noona neomu yeppeo
(Taemin: Keu keu nyeo reul boh neun nah neun) mee chyeo
Taemin: Hah hah jee man ee jehn jee chyeo 
All: Make up Shake up Break up
All: Chuh eok ee nae mam eul hal kweo eoh
(Taemin: Ah ah pah seo ee jehn mam eul) goh chyeo
Taemin: Dah dah gah oohl ee byeol eeh nan 
All: Make up Shake up Break up

All: Ah ah ah reum dah eun keu nyang neun ah ah ah jeek ggah jee nuh guh wah
Jeen sheel dwen sah rang ue mah seul bun jeok ee eob neun geh nun myeong hae
Ah ah ah seup geh doh keu nyang neun ah ah ah jeek eoh reen nah eeh gehn
Sheen sheel dwen sah ran ue mah eum eul bah deul suh eob neun jee

All: Noona neomu yeppeo
(Taemin: Keu keu nyeo reul boh neun nah neun) mee chyeo
All: Hah hah jee man ee jehn jee chyeo
Replay Replay Replay
All: Chuh eok ee nae mam eul hahl kweo eoh
(Taemin: Ah ah pah seo ee jehn mam eul) goh chyeo
All: Dah dah gah oohl ee byeol eeh nan
Replay Replay Replay

All: Nuh nan neo muh yeh bbeo
(Taemin: Keu keu nyeo reul boh neun nah neun) mee chyeo
(Minho: Uh keu nyeo wah nah ue love) mee chyeo
(TaeMin: Hah hah jee man ee jehn) jee chyeo 
Minho: Uh I just go crazy 'cuz 
All: Replay Replay Replay
Minho: I I I love you girl
All: Chuh eok ee nae mam eul hal kweo eoh
Taemin: Ah ah pah seo ee jehn mam eul
Minho: Uh mah eum ee ah pah seo goh cyeo
Taemin: Dah dah gah oohl ee byeol eeh nan
Minho: Yo I wanna hold U girl
All: Replay Replay Replay
Minho: I I I love you

All: Noona neomu yeppeo I keep thinkin ' bout you 
Nuh nan yeh bbeo I keep dreaming ' bout you 
Jeen sheel dwen sah ran ue mah seul bon jeok ee
Nuh nan neo muh yeh bbeo I keep thinkin ' bout you 
Nuh nan yeh bbeo I keep dreaming 'bout you
Jeen sheel dwen sah ran ue mah eum eul

liryc shoud out

A-yo, we back, let's shake it up

Niga duji motaedo I won't give up
Ijekkeo mwol neukkyeo wateon I won't give up
Jigeum boji motaedo I won't give up
No I won't give up, cause I won't give up
Nan niga deuji motaedo I won't give up
Ijekkeo mwol neukkyeo wateon I won't give up
Jeoldae boji motaedo I won't give up
No I won't give up, cause I won't give up

Saero un eumageul jeopae neon mwol wonhae
Yuhaeng iran cham ppeonhan dejabyu
Hwaryeo han geo meoseube hokae, oh, naye gonwe neon sansan motae

Jeonmal kkeuti nana gamdoneul neukkil chalna
Keun jonyureul jeonhal sungan geudaen imi eodiro gana
Nae jintongeul geochin my music bureuji motamyeon nothing

Niga duji motaedo I won't give up
Ijekkeo mwol neukkyeo wateon I won't give up
Jigeum boji motaedo I won't give up
No I won't give up, cause I won't give up
Nan niga deuji motaedo I won't give up
Ijekkeo mwol neukkyeo wateon I won't give up
Jeoldae boji motaedo I won't give up
No I won't give up, cause I won't give up

Jeonche seongi bujokan che saengak eopneun che mohohan
Munchaek biyan shimjeogin taedoga taebanin taese
Sutan bokje hamburo daehaneun geoteuri munjeya dodaeche

Yeah, ireoke tto mikkeudeon amugeoto moreun chaewo ani beong
Seureureuk humchyeo ganeun geol bwa man, 
What's wrong man nunchi mochael kkabwa

Niga duji motaedo I won't give up
Ijekkeo mwol neukkyeo wateon I won't give up
Jigeum boji motaedo I won't give up
No I won't give up, cause I won't give up
Nan niga deuji motaedo I won't give up
Ijekkeo mwol neukkyeo wateon I won't give up
Jeoldae boji motaedo I won't give up
No I won't give up, cause I won't give up

Naega eumageul haneun iyun hana, one
Naega gyeondyeo on apeumeul ara, you know
Jomyeongi bichun naega daga anya, moreugeji
One click, finished, done

Sorry yeojeonhi byeonham eopneun nae yeoljeongi
Hayan baekjireul han eobshi jjijeun gasaro bicheun mellodi
Mam gipi giyeok dwel music ojik neon geugeoman
Wonchi namgyeo jin geon machi neoye gachi
Neomu shipge soyu haja neon moreuji nae nunmure eumi jeoldae, 
Jeoldae, jeoldae

Niga duji motaedo I won't give up
Ijekkeo mwol neukkyeo wateon I won't give up
Jigeum boji motaedo I won't give up
No I won't give up, cause I won't give up
Nan niga deuji motaedo I won't give up
Ijekkeo mwol neukkyeo wateon I won't give up
Jeoldae boji motaedo I won't give up
No I won't give up, cause I won't give up

Nan niga deuji motaedo I won't give up
Ijekkeo mwol neukkyeo wateon I won't give up
Jeoldae boji motaedo I won't give up
No I won't give up, cause I won't give up

liryc best place

Ijen geuman naega shilhujyutdan mal gujitmalingul ara (da gujitmaliran gul) nuyeh noonman bwado nan al soo issuh
Duh eesangeun heundeulliji anhgessuh dashi naeh gero dorawa ( naegero dorawa) shiganee jinado nul ijji mothae

Neega isseul goseun udirado naehgen best place ni gyuten namankeum uh oollineun namjan ama ubseul gurago
Neega unjerado nae yupehman issuh joomyun best place
Ni gyuten namankeum nureul saranghaejool saram ubseul gurago

Nae gyuteh man issuh unjena nuneun nuyeh lady nae mameum nuwa hamggeh crazy
Nae gyutehman issuh namaneul barabomyun ok youngwonhee oori hamggeh crazy (love drives us crazy)

Nuwa na oori doori hamgeh jinaessuhdun iji mothal choouh modoo neega nae yupeh issuh numoo nado haengbokhaettdun shigan
Ijeneun numoo shwibgeh jinan aegi churum naegeh mareul haji modoo da numoo nado naengjung hageh plz I'm tell you ijji mothae~! 

Neega isseul goseun udirado naehgen best place
Ni gyuten namankeum uh oollineun namjan ama ubseul gurago
Neega unjerado nae yupeman issuhjoomyun best place ni gyuten namankeum nureul saranghaejool saram ubseul gurago

Nae gyuteh man issuh unjena nuneun nuyeh lady nae mameum nuwa hamggeh crazy(love drives us crazy)
Nae gyutehman issuh namaneul barabomyun ok youngwonhee oori hamggeh crazy (love drives us crazy)

L to the O to the V to the E machi amoo ildo ubdun guchurum
K to the I to the S to the S numaneul saranghae
T to the E to the A to the R haru harubonaegiga himdeuluh Oh, my love! Love! Love! 

Nae gyuteh man issuh unjena nuneun nuyeh lady nae mameum nuwa hamggeh crazy
Nae gyutehman issuh namaneul barabomyun ok youngwonhee oori hamggeh crazy

RAP)sarangeh michyuh ijeneun naega jichyuh oori ginagin choougeul pooluhhechyuh neega ubneun nae salmeun mooyehmihaejyuh geudaega ittdun geujari ro dorawa jwo (x2)

lyric love's way

Too much. heh.

Nan shingihan shilhumeul ara dan myut bangool binootmool nogimyun han kub sogeh nanwojyuh deungeul dollin gireumgwa moori suggyuh ggok oori toogwa biseuthae dashin an bol deut ssa ooda sarangeeran binooneh ssitgyuh uneusae mee oom ee sarajigon hae

Soobaek bun datoogo baekbun gaseum moonujyudo shildeuri ungkin deut ddaenael soo ubneun sarang
Jalmoseun gochigo suroyeh mam baewo gamyun unjenga haengbokman nameul gura midneun gul

Jom usaekhan aejungpyohyundo jaggu malhaebogi saranghae nul saranghae pigonhan nal ulgool pyojungdo suro wihaesuh gamchoogo
[All] nalmada sseudun ilgijangehdo nuyeh aegibaggeh ubdago
Gaggeum boyuh joomyunsuh gibbuhamyun joheul gut gata

Soobaek bun datoogo baekbun gaseum moonujyudo shildeuri ungkin deut ddaenael soo ubneun sarang
Jalmoseun gochigo suroyeh mam baewo gamyun unjenga haengbokman nameul gura midneun gul

RAP) chueumehneun mot mana udduhgeh iruggehdo dalla geuraedo geunyul mannago shipuhjineun nae mameul molla
Nal gyesog salgeh hae geunyul neuggil soo ittgeh oorin numoo dallado sarangeun gyesog dwaeyahae! 

Gupoomchurum sarajineun sarangeun wonchi anha malubshido junhaejineun geurun sarangeul wonhae na! 
Nal manna hwanggeum machaneun ggoomsogehsuhdo motta geuraedo nal mannaneun dongan nul ootgeh haejool sooneun ittjanha

Love's way! Love's way! You're my true Love~! 

Chwimiga dareugo neul saenggakee dallado ooriyeh seubgwa eun biseuthan goshi manha
Maltooga dalmagago jamdeuneun shigando maeil bam donghwaro uneusae majchwojin gul

lyric love like oksigen

Ttereojyeo ggaejil deutan tumyeonghan neupe
Dalkomhan dokmul peojideut
Hayake eoreobuteun nae oraen sangcheoga
Neoye gaseum sok gipge peojyeodo Oh Oh
Jabeun deut hal ttae pagodeuneun keuromee bineul nalkaroum

Sanso gateun neo
Nan neoman deurishwimyeon dashi naebaeteureul su eopseo
Ih janinhan gotong soge naega jugeogago itjana
Chagapgo shiridorok tumyeonghan mureul
Mashigo tto mashyeobwado
Hayake jillidorok dagaoneunmankeum
Neol hangsang hyanghae mogi malla
Jabeun deut hal ttae seumyeodeuneun
Seoroye sumgyeol ih budeureo-um

Sanso gateun neo
Nan neoman deurishwimyeon dashi naebaeteureul su eopseo
Ih janinhan gotong soge naega jugeogago itjana
Eodumgateun sarang dalkomhaetdeon gotong
Mulgyeolgatdeon naye jinshimeun
Eoreumgatdeon yuhok dalkomhaetdeon nunmul
Areumdapge nal dugo Oh

Sanso gateun neo
Nan neoman deurishwimyeon dashi naebaeteureul su eopseo
Ih janinhan gotong soge naega jugeogago itjana

Oh yeogibuteo nae sarangee apeum widokaesseul ttae
Ggaejyeobeorin naye eodum sogye deungbul
Naragabeorin gyeolguk nal beorin nareul gallabeorin jidokan hyeonshil
Ijen eopshi sumimakyeo
Galsurok jichyeo
Naege sanso gateun nege

Sanso gateun sanso gateun sanso gateun neo
Sanso gateun sanso gateun sanso gateun neo

(Can't live without you by my side)

Sanso gateun sanso gateun sanso gateun neo
Sanso gateun sanso gateun sanso gateun neo (sanso gateun neo oh oh oh~)
Sanso gateun sanso gateun sanso gateun neo Oh

liryc please dont go

[Onew] eojetbam kkumsoge nega naege dagawa
Soksagin geu mari nae eolgul manjideon geu meoritgyeori

[Jonghyun] kkumeseo kkaeboni neomunado seonmyeonghande
Nega inneun ge kkumieotdan geol nae nungae goyeojin nunmuri malhaejwosseo

[Jonghyun&Onew] andwaeyo andwaeyo geureoke gajimayo
Jebal han beonman han beonman nal dasi anajwoyo
[Jonghyun] dasi nungama neol boreo gamyeon geu jarie meomchun nareul anajwoyo

[Jonghyun] nuneul tteo boado ne moseumman seonmyeonghande
Nega inneunge kkumieotdan geol nae nunmure bichwojin seulpeumi malhaejwosseo

[Onew&Jonghyun] andwaeyo andwaeyo geureoke gajimayo
Jebal hanbeon man hanbeon man nal dasi anajwoyo
[Onew] dasi nungama neol boge doemyeon geu jarie meomchun nareul anajwoyo

[Jonghyun] aereul sseo aereul sseodo ttereul sseo ttereul sseo dasi dorawa

[Jonghyun&Onew] andwaeyo andwaeyo geureoke gajimayo
Jebal han beonman han beonman nal dasi anajwoyo
Andwaeyo andwaeyo geureoke gajimayo
Jebal han beonman han beonman nal dasi anajwoyo
[Onew] dasi nungama neol boreo gamyeon geu jarie meomchun nareul anajwoyo

liryc one from me

Banggeum geunyuh junhwareul badgo saenggakee cham manha jyussuh ujeh saranghadun aeinehgeh burimbadattdae
Jigeum oolmugeedun geunyul dallaejooruh gajiman nan naeshim gibbujineun maeumeum chameum sooga ubneundeh
Nan eenareul gidaryussuh nae uggaereul billyujoomyun noonmooreul daggajoogoh

Geunyuyeh yupeh, yungwonhee gyuteh, nae jaril mandeuluh nohgosuh, chingoo annin namjaro byunhae, seulpeumeun ubdorog jikyuhjool gurago anajoomyuh malhalguya

Jugi doo mooreupeh gogael pamoodgosuh ooneun geunyuh munjuh joomuneeyeh sonsoogun ggunae gunnehjoogohsuh
Ijuh! ijhyuh jil guya nal miduh geuruhgeh wirohaejoogoh ijeh numaneul barabwajool saram mannara haessuh
Ansseuruhoon geunyujiman geugeh du-oog yehbuh boyuh gi-uko oneureun

Geunyuyeh yupeh, yungwonhee gyuteh, nae jaril mandeuluh nohgosuh, chingoo annin namjaro byunhae, seulpeumeun ubdorog jikyuhjool gurago anajoomyuh malhalguya

Geutorog geuryu-on shigan geunyuh nae poomeh gidae oolgoh itjiman ee soongan naneun geunyul wihan
Joheun swil jariga dwaessuh (like a blanket~) jonghyun bomyunsuh mideumeul jiwoburil soo ittgeh deumjikgan namja dwilguya, you are the one for me! 

Geunyuyeh yupeh, yungwonhee gyuteh, nae jaril mandeuluh nohgosuh, chingoo annin namjaro byunhae, seulpeumeun ubdorog jikyuhjool gurago anajoomyuh malhalguya

Geunyuh mamsogeh jibeul jieulrae noogoodoh boosool soo ubdorog sarangeuro apeumee bolgo noonmoolee saeuhdo moonuhjiji anhneun ajoo teunteunhan anshigchureul

Oh~ doo bun dashi neun nohji anha heh uhjin hoo geunyuga nareul chaja gidaryuh wattdun geunyujanha poomeh angyuh geudaereul matgyuh naman miduh
Geu saramee nee gaseumeh namgin sarangyeh sanchuh! michuh! ijji mothal choougeul jiwoga sarangeun sarangeuro ichyuh jyuh gaja ijeh nuyeh yupyeh nareulbwa

liryc for season

Ttaseuhan bomi omyon 
Haessalmankeum haemalkke eutton
Noreul saenggakhae

Nalssiga pogeunhadamyon 
Bakkeuro nagajamyo nal ggaeugon haetji

Haru jongil doun yoreumedo
Nae gyote neul buto itton
Nae imae maechin dambangul
Neul dakkajudon niga saenggakna
Nol gidarilge

I'll wait for you until the end
Sagye jole sumoinneun ni museub
Nuneul gamabomyon non oneusae gyote isso

I'll wait for you
Byonhamobsi nol gidaryo
Sagye jole sumoinneun ni museub
Nuneul gamabomyon non oneusae gyote isso

Giokna oneu gaeul 
Soneul jabgo gorotton geu ril 
Dasi saenggakna

Noran muldeun nakyobeul
Hamkke hanal nanuo gajin giogi na

Sagyejol naenae gateungol 
Ajik non nae ane inneun gol
Chu un gyoulbaram bulttaemada 
Niga saenggakna haemada

Nalmada doraul guraneun himang han jum ajikkaji noji mothaesso 
Taptaphae kapkaphae but I could never let you go

Hin neun gadeuk naeridon hayang gyoul
Sujupke sonmulhan seuweto sogen
Ni hyanggiga namaisso
So baby I'll wait 

I'll wait for you until the end
Sagye jole sumoinneun ni museub
Nuneul gamabomyon non oneusae gyote isso

I'll wait for you
Sagye jole sumoinneun ni museub
Nuneul gamabomyon non oneusae gyote isso

No ttonadon gireul dora
Naege ogo isseulgoya

Jom neujeun chotneunchorom
Dwi neujeun yoreumbichorom

So baby I'll wait
I'll wait for you 
Wait for you

Jinagan daryogeul nomgideut 
Jayoseure nol gidaryo

I'll wait for you 
Gidaryo irohke
Sagye jole sumoinneun ni museub
Margeun gongjichorom nareul gamssajugo isso

I'll wait for you 
Gidarilge naneun nol gidarilge
Sagye joruel gidarineun nae maum pureun namu chorom
Onjena I jarie

Dori yogi nal oje mannan gotchorom choeum haejun geu yak sokchorom onjen-gan noreul majuchil su itgetji dasi hamkke hal su itgetji

Onjedeun hwi nuni nokdeusi noye maeum ttaseuhage naege nokyojulke

Non geunyang nae gyoteso kkumeul kkumyon
We together, you and I forever

This is my love story
True sad story

liryc in my room

[Onew] Jamdeulji anhneun bameh nooneul
gama geunyuhreul dduh-ollinda
amooguhtdoh mollatdun naega
nomu miwosuh
booreul kigoh bangeul dooruhbonda

[Jonghyun] huimihageh balga oneun
du nuni momchun got
boriji mothaetduhn
saengil sunmool
geurigoh nuh
geu modeun got

*[all]cause you were my sun, the moon
nae juhnboo yutdun nuh
nae bangeh itneun modeun gotdeuri nuhl geuriwohanabwa
nuhl wihae chajda jichyuhsuh
nuhl jamshi ijuhdoh
[Onew]soom gyunoheun ooriye choo-uhgee
[Jonghyun]gadeuk nama cause you're still in my room

[Jonghyun] salmiraneun badareul
hemaeda iluhbuhryutduhn goomdeuri
[Key] goosuk goosuk noga itneun
chaeksang suhrab geu sogeh
soomgyunohgo itduhn nuh

[Onew]muhnji sahin sangja sogen
baraejin sajingwa
uhrin mami damgin pyunjideul geu
rigo nuh
geu modeun guht

*repeat chorus

[Onew] buhrigoh doh boryuhdoh gi-ugeun
[key] nuhreul dashi booruh nohgoh
[jonghyun] nae apeh anjasuh
utgoh itneun nuhreul igoseh
gadooryuh haneundeh

*repeat chorus

liryc shinee world

Yeah, SHINee World
Asia producer, number one
SM as one
Get the break down! 

Sumgwangeul bondeuthan nuni buseojildeuthan
Ijeh sijakdweneun tansaeng
Nugungaga jikyeubogo isseo
SHINee World
Imi yesangdweneun nonrandeul yeah
Meotjin cheongeun pilyo eopseo
Urin norae haneun saramdeul
Geujeo choiseoneul euldahae
Mudae-eh sulddae
Jeulgyeo-umeul neukkyeo

S.H.I.N double E 
SHINee, GO! 
Geugeon baro urideulyeh seontaek

I wanna know you neoye gyeote
Gidarimeun kkeut ije uriga wasseo
We got the flow it's break your naughty
Jigeum I sungan modu sijakdwaesseo
I wanna show it da boyeojulge
Neoye meoritsogeun ije naega jeomryeong
We got the flow it's through my body
Bada deulyeo bwa ije SHINee segye! 

Go on and on and on Let me do it do it now
Jungdog doel geos gateun nalkaro-un miso
Geumsokseongeul gajin voice
SHINee dance! SHINee One Style! 
Ppyeotsokkaji seumyeodeulge
Do it slow it now
Jigeum naega neoye mame deuleoga

"Nunan neomu yeppeo"
I noraero nan baro Start
"sanso gateun" neoro dasi
Geunyeodeulye mameul naega sarojaba

Gyeoljeongjeogin sungan apenan
Falsetto gapiryohaji anhneunde
Ireon ge ganeung hagetna

I wanna know you neoye gyeote
Gidarimeun kkeut ije uriga wasseo
We got the flow it's break your naughty
Jigeum I sungan modu sijakdwaesseo
I wanna show it da boyeojulge
Neoye meoritsogeun ije naega jeomryeong
You got the flow it's through my body
Bada deulyeo bwa ije SHINee segye! 

I wanna get you in this party
Ppajyeodeuleo bwa naye Booming system
We got the flow it's break your naughty
Cool han choengeun nan jeoldae pilyo eoptgo
I wanna show it da boyeo julge
Eotteon geol hadeun naegen iyuga itgo
We got the flow it's through my body
Bada deulyeo bwa ije SHINee segye! 

Jigeum I sungan naye Feel like that! 
Pilyo eoptneun geol Anything like that! 
Nareul barabwa
Geudaero jeulgyeo beorimyeon dwae
Eotteon pyeongron gateun bunseokdo
Igeon jeoldae eouliji anhneungeol
Naege ppajyeobwa geugeol neukkyeobwa
SHINee makes love right now! 

I wanna know you neoye gyeote
Gidarimeun kkeut ije uriga wasseo
We got the flow it's break your naughty
Jigeum I sungan modu sijakdwaesseo
I wanna show it da boyeojulge
Neoye meoritsogeun ije naega jeomryeong
You got the flow it's through my body
Bada deulyeo bwa ije SHINee segye! 

'Bling Bling' is "Jonghyun"
Uri 'Bakryeoktaem' eun "Taemin"
'Dubu onrida' neun "Onew"
SHINee 'maneungyeolsoe' "Key"
'Bulkkoc kariseuma' "Minho"
My name is Minho
Urin biceul naeneun SHINee
Di-bi-di-bi-dis' dap di-bi-di-bi-dis' dap
We're living in the SMTown! 

Oh! Let me got a doo-bop doo-bop doo-bop! 
Oh! Let me got a doo-bop doo-bop doo-bop! 
Oh! Oh! Let me got a doo-bop doo-bop doo-bop!

liryc last gift

Nooneul ddeugi jocha shilhussuh soljighi midgiji anhassuh majimak he uhjijan insaneun nasulgiman haneega
Tujineun hansooman jaggu baetuh dooryuhwo gaseumee maejyuh hanmadi yego ubshi ibyul gunnehneun nul uddugeh miduh

I don't know why I can't move on balgureumee dulujijil anha gujimal gata oneul haruga gaseum hanjogee apawa

Nuehgeh ggiwojoon banjiga nae soneh chagabgeh dolawa nae maeum do gati doryuhbadeun majimak sunmool ibyurin gul

Namanyeh choouhdeuril gga younghwa han jangmyun churum nul mannatdun giugee nal nojil anhneunji naman apeun gunji

I don't know why I can't move on neega dashi doraol gut gata hokshi hoohwijoongilgga nae mamdo oomkigil soo ubsuh

Nuehgeh ggiwojoon banjiga nae soneh chagabgeh dolawa nae maeum do gati doryuhbadeun majimak sunmool
Unjebootuh ugeutnan gunji udibootuh jalmotdwin gunji nae maeumee nureul nohji anha jungmal ggeutinjin ibyurin gul

Nan swibji anha nae insa churum nae maeumee nae mamchurum dwijil anha nul ijeuryuh dajimeul doghageh haebwayagettji jal gyundil soo ittgeh

Nuehgeh ggiwojoon banjiga nae soneh chagabgeh dolawa nae maeum do gati doryuhbadeun majimak sunmool ibyurin gul
Unjebootuh ugeutnan gunji udibootuh jalmotdwin gunji nae maeumee nureul nohji anha jungmal ggeutinjin
[Jonghyun] naegen one last love...

liryc graze

[Minho] Uh! You gave me
You gave me a heart break
Come on

[Onew] Seuchyeoganda meoreojyeoganda
Neomu johahaetdeon geunyeoga
[Key] Deungeur dollin chaero
Chorahan gibun mwo gata
[Minho] Eokjiro samkyeo
[Jonghyun] Naboda meotjyeo boyeo ni yeope geu namja
(Neoui yeope geu namja)
Eojjeom geuri dareun geunyeo moseupdo

[All] Seuchyeoganda geu saram soneul jabeun chae
Meoreojyeoganda jogeum jinhan hwajangeur hago
[Jonghyun] Eopseotjanhni nan cheoeumbuteo
[All] Geujeo chakhanchingu jeongdoil ppuniya

[Minho] Uh! geujeo nan pyeonhan saramir ppun
Uh! geujeo seuchyeogan sarangil ppun

[Taemin] Seuchyeoganda meoreojyeoganda
Deo yeppeojin deuthan
[Key / Jonghyun] Hwajochado anna
[Jonghyun] Chorahan gibun mwosgata
[Minho] Eokjiro samkyeo
[Onew] Naboda jalna boyeo ne yeope geu namja
(Neoui yeope geu namja)
Eojjeom geuri dareun geunyeo moseupdo

[All] Seuchyeoganda geu saram soneul jabeun chae
Meoreojyeoganda jogeum jinhan hwajangeul hago
[Key] Eopseotjanhni nan cheoeumbuteo
[All] Geujeo chakhan chingu jeongdoil ppuniya

[Minho] Dodaeche naega eodiga geu saramgwa dareun ge mwolkka geunyeoui nunbicgwa momjisi nal wonhalji molla
Na hollo saenggage jamgida barami doeeo seuchyeogan geunyeoui moseube nunmuri na
[Key] Have you tried thinking about me
Given any thought about me
The times we stayed together like lovers flying free
I still love you! 
Seems like I should forget you
But when I see the picture that we took together
I can't ever forget you

[Onew] mwoga mothan geoni neoui geu saramboda
[Jonghyun] nuguboda jalhaejul su isseotneunde

[All] Seuchyeoganda geu saram soneur jabeun chae
Meoreojyeoganda jogeum jinhan hwajangeul hago
[Jonghyun] Eopseotjanhni nan cheoeumbuteo
[All] Geujeo chakhan chingu jeongdoil ppuniya

[Minho] Nae mameur humchyeogan geunyeoga seuchyeoga dalkomhan hyanggi naegeseo tteonaga
Gaseumsoge heureuneun nunmureur eokjiro samkyeo muneojineun nae mam geunyeoga alkka?


liryc hello

reol tae reul pomyeon na eorikinun hangabwa nunape dugodo eoji haljul mola

Eoteohgedeul sarangeul sijanhago inunji saranghanun saramdeul malhaeyuyo
Eonjenga geunyeo soneul jaba bolnal olkkayo
Gameun dunun wie kiss hanun naldo wajolkkayo
Hello hello nareum daero yonggil naesseoyo
Hello hello jamsyegi halraeyo
Hello hello naega jom seotoljin molado

Who knows eojjeom urin jal dwiljido mola
Naega dagaseoya hanunji jom da gidareoya hanunji
Modu dareun maleul hanun ge deo eoryeoweo (mideul su eobgessjyo)
Bogiboda nuni nopayo ireon ilnan heunchi anhayo naemal mideojweo

Yo yeah

Amureohji eonhge geunyeol aneul nal olkkayo
Saengakhan daereu modu irwojindan malmideoyo

Hello hello nareumdero yonggil naesseoyo
Hello hello jamsyegi halraeyo
Hello hello naega jom seotoljin molado
Find More lyrics at 

Who knows eojjeom urin oh yeah
Cheoeumeun anijyo sasil malhajamyeon sarangdo ibyeoldo haebwassjyo
Hasiman eoryeoweoyo I mareul mideojweoyo geudaenun dalrayo

Hello hello ibeonen nareul da geolgeyo
Hello hello ooh yeah baby baby baby girl
Hello hello jigeumeun eoteolji molado
Who knows eojjeom urin

Hello hello uuh yeah
Hello hello naege gihwireul jweoyo
Hello hello geurae jigeumeun eoteolji molado
Who knows? uri duri

Rap: Naegyeoteunl maemdon geu sigandeuleul gyesok
Geueoteon gippeumgwido bigyo moshae No more geudael ijyen pyohyeon hal su eopgyo
Nae soneul japneundamyeon Never let you go ireonge sarangimyeon seoldae an nohchyeo
Who knows uri duri
Unmyeongilji mola
Hello hello

[Jonghyun] Baby
Negae banhae beorin naegae wae irae
Dureopdago mulleoseoji malgo
Geunyang naegae matgyeobwala eoddae
My lady

liryc ring ding dong

[Key] Ring ding dong
Ring ding dong
Ring diggi ding diggi
Ding ding ding (x2)
[Taemin] Ring ding dong
Ring ding dong
Ring diggi ding diggi
Ding ding ding (x2)

[Key] Butterfly
Neoreul mannan chut sungan
Nooni beonjjeok meori stop
Belli ding dong oolleosseo

[Onew] Nan malya meotjinnom chakhannom
Geureon nomeun anijiman
Nareumdaero gwaenchaneun bad boy

[Taemin] Neodo machi butterfly
Neomu yakhae ppajeosseo
Neomu soonhae ppajeosseo
Neol gyeotae dweoyagaesseo

[Jonghyun] Deoneun geokjeongma geokjeongma
Naman mideobomyeon dwaejana
Niga neomu mamae deuleo
Nochil su eopneun geol

[All] Baby
Naega soomeul meomchool su oh crazy
Neomu yeppeo gyeondil su oh crazy
Neo animyeon pilyoeopda crazy
Na wae irae

We gonna go rocka rocka rocka rocka rocka rocka [Key] So fantastic
Go rocka rocka rocka rocka rocka rocka [Key] So elastic

Fantastic, fantastic, fantastic, fantastic
Elastic, elastic, elastic, elastic

[Key] Ring ding dong
Ring ding dong
Ring diggi ding diggi
Ding ding ding
[Taemin] Ojak neoman deullinda)

[Key] Ring ding dong
Ring ding dong
Ring diggi ding diggi
Ding ding ding
([Onew] Meorisokae oolinda)

[Taemin] Ring ding dong
Ring ding dong
Ring diggi ding diggi
Ding ding ding
([Key] Nae gaseumae oolinda)

[Taemin] Ring ding dong
Ring ding dong
Ring diggi ding diggi
Ding ding ding

[Jonghyun] I call you butterfly
Nali gamyeon galsurok
Mosi bakhyeo neoran geol
Haeyeonal su eopdaneun geol

[Key] Nareul seontaekhae (Dolikiji malgo)
Seontaekhae (Domanggaji malgo)
[Taemin] Negae ppajin baboin na
[Jonghyun] Nal chaekimjyeoya dwae

[All] Baby
Naega soomeul meomchool su oh crazy
Neomu yeppeo gyeondil su oh crazy
Neo animyeon pilyoeopda crazy
Na wae irae

[Minho] Nan chakhadi chakhanjeunghugooni
Geollin neoreul ihae mot hagaetda
[Key] Neon gakkeumssik geureon gojung
Emijireul talpi italhaebwa gwaenchanda

[Minho] Break out ([Key] Hey! ) (x4)
Ring ding ding ding ding diggi diggi ding ding
Dong dong dong dong dong dong

[Jonghyun] Sashil nan bulanhae
Eoddeokhae nal boneunji
[Taemin] Eojjeomyeon eojjeomyeon
Naegae hogameul gatgo itneunji molla
[Onew] Etorok anjeolbujeol hal subbakae eopseo
[Jonghyun] Dolikil su eopneun geol

[Onew] Complicated girl
[Minho] Jeoldae no lan daedaphaji ma
[Jonghyun] Na gwaenchaneun namjalan geol
[Taemin] Naega michyeobeolilji molla

[Key] Don't be silly girl (Silly girl)
[Onew] You're my miracle (My miracle)
[Jonghyun] Neoman gajil su itdamyeon
Naegaen da pilyoeopneun geol

[All] Baby
Naega soomeul meomchool su oh crazy
Neomu yeppeo gyeondil su oh crazy
Neo animyeon pilyoeopda crazy
Na wae irae 

We gonna go rocka rocka rocka rocka rocka rocka [Key] So fantastic
Go rocka rocka rocka rocka rocka rocka [Key] So elastic

Fantastic, fantastic, fantastic, fantastic
Elastic, elastic, elastic, elastic

[Key] Ring ding dong
Ring ding dong
Ring diggi ding diggi
Ding ding ding
([Taemin] Ojak neoman deullinda)

[Key] Ring ding dong
Ring ding dong
Ring diggi ding diggi
Ding ding ding
([Onew] Meorisokae oolinda)

[Taemin] Ring ding dong
Ring ding dong
Ring diggi ding diggi
Ding ding ding
([Key] Nae gaseumae oolinda)

[Taemin] Ring ding dong
Ring ding dong
Ring diggi ding diggi
Ding ding ding

liryc stand by me

Stand by me nal parabwajwo
Ajik sarangeul morujiman
Stand by me nal jikyobwajwo
Ajik sarange sotul-jiman

Noreul bulsurok kibuni chohwajyo
Nado mollae noraereul bullo
Han songi jangmireul sago shipojin
Iron nae moseub shingihande
Nae ma-eumi noyege dah-neundeuthae
I sesangi areumdawo
Iron solle-i-meul nodo neuggindamyon
Budi chogumman kidaryojwo

Together make it love
Forever making you smile
Noye hwanhan miso gadukhi
Together make it love
Forever making you smile
Ije naesoneul naesoneul chaba

Stand by me nareul parabwajyo
Ajik sarangeul moreujiman
Stand by me nareul jikyobwajwo
Ajik sarange sotungot kata
Noreul alsurok kaseumi ttollyowa
Na-neun geujo utgoman isso
Noyege salmyoshi kiseu haebol-kka
Chogum ni mame tagasol-kka
Nae ma-eumi ojjomyon sarangil-kka
Nan ajigeun sujubeunde
Ajik hangoreumdo tagasoji mothan
Naye sarangeul kidaryojwo

Together make it love
Forever making you smile
Noye hwanhan miso gadukhi
Together make it love
Forever making you smile
Ije chogumsshik chogumsshik kalkke

Stand by me nareul parabwajwo
Choum to kakkawo chigoshipo
Stand by me nareul jikyobwajwo
Jom do mochige boigo shipo

Nan chew-umen mollasso
Nugunga parabo-neun-ge
Ajikdo naema-eum molla
Keudae-neun keudaereul saranghae

Together make it love
Forever making you smile
Noye hwanhan miso gadukhi
Together make it love
Forever making you smile
Ije naesoneul naesoneul chaba

Stand by me nareul parabwajyo
Ajik sarangeul moreujiman
Stand by me nareul jikyobwajwo
Ajik sarange sotungot kata

liryc replay

Jonghyun: Noona neo muh yeh bbeo seo nam jah deul ee gah man ahn dweo
Heun deul ree neun keu nyeo ue mam sah sheel ahl goh eet seo

Onew: Keu nyeo eeh geh sah rang eun han sun gan ue neu ggeem eel bbun
Mwoh rah hae doh nah eeh gehn salm ue everything

All: Ah mah keu nyeo neun eoh reen nae gah buh dang seu reo uhn gah bwa
Key: Nahl pah rah boh neun nun bee chee mahl hae juh jahn ah
All: And I think I'm gonna hate it girl
Kkeu teh dah gah oo neun geol
Jonghyun: Gah seum ee mahl hae jun dah nuh gah mwoh rae doh

All: Noona neomu yeppeo
(Taemin: Keu keu nyeo reul boh neun nah neun) mee chyeo
Taemin: Hah hah jee man ee jehn jee chyeo
All: Replay Replay Replay
All: Chuh eok ee nae mam eul hal kweo eoh
(Taemin: Ah ah pah seo ee jehn mam eul) goh chyeo
Taemin: Dah dah gah oohl ee byeol eeh nan
All: Replay Replay Replay

Onew: Noona nah ue M.V.P buh reo uhm eeh bbu deut haet jee
Minho: Neul shee seon jeep jong keu nyeo wah ham ggeh eet neun nan So cool
Jonghyun: Jeh bahl ee son eul noh jee mahl jah deon nah ue dah jeem eun
Onew: Eoh neu sun gan buh teo geo jeet een geol ahl ah

All: Ah mah keu nyeo neun chak han nae gah byeol jae mee eob seot nah bwa
Key: Nahl dae hah neun moom jeet ee mahl hah goh eet jahn ah
All: And I think I'm gonna hate it girl
Kkeu teh dah gah oo neun geol
Jonghyun: Gah seum ee soh ree chee dah ee byeol ah peh seo

All: Noona neomu yeppeo
(Taemin: Keu keu nyeo reul boh neun nah neun) mee chyeo
Taemin: Hah hah jee man ee jehn jee chyeo 
All: Make up Shake up Break up
All: Chuh eok ee nae mam eul hal kweo eoh
(Taemin: Ah ah pah seo ee jehn mam eul) goh chyeo
Taemin: Dah dah gah oohl ee byeol eeh nan 
All: Make up Shake up Break up

All: Ah ah ah reum dah eun keu nyang neun ah ah ah jeek ggah jee nuh guh wah
Jeen sheel dwen sah rang ue mah seul bun jeok ee eob neun geh nun myeong hae
Ah ah ah seup geh doh keu nyang neun ah ah ah jeek eoh reen nah eeh gehn
Sheen sheel dwen sah ran ue mah eum eul bah deul suh eob neun jee

All: Noona neomu yeppeo
(Taemin: Keu keu nyeo reul boh neun nah neun) mee chyeo
All: Hah hah jee man ee jehn jee chyeo
Replay Replay Replay
All: Chuh eok ee nae mam eul hahl kweo eoh
(Taemin: Ah ah pah seo ee jehn mam eul) goh chyeo
All: Dah dah gah oohl ee byeol eeh nan
Replay Replay Replay

All: Nuh nan neo muh yeh bbeo
(Taemin: Keu keu nyeo reul boh neun nah neun) mee chyeo
(Minho: Uh keu nyeo wah nah ue love) mee chyeo
(TaeMin: Hah hah jee man ee jehn) jee chyeo 
Minho: Uh I just go crazy 'cuz 
All: Replay Replay Replay
Minho: I I I love you girl
All: Chuh eok ee nae mam eul hal kweo eoh
Taemin: Ah ah pah seo ee jehn mam eul
Minho: Uh mah eum ee ah pah seo goh cyeo
Taemin: Dah dah gah oohl ee byeol eeh nan
Minho: Yo I wanna hold U girl
All: Replay Replay Replay
Minho: I I I love you

All: Noona neomu yeppeo I keep thinkin ' bout you 
Nuh nan yeh bbeo I keep dreaming ' bout you 
Jeen sheel dwen sah ran ue mah seul bon jeok ee
Nuh nan neo muh yeh bbeo I keep thinkin ' bout you 
Nuh nan yeh bbeo I keep dreaming 'bout you
Jeen sheel dwen sah ran ue mah eum eul

liryc shoud out

A-yo, we back, let's shake it up

Niga duji motaedo I won't give up
Ijekkeo mwol neukkyeo wateon I won't give up
Jigeum boji motaedo I won't give up
No I won't give up, cause I won't give up
Nan niga deuji motaedo I won't give up
Ijekkeo mwol neukkyeo wateon I won't give up
Jeoldae boji motaedo I won't give up
No I won't give up, cause I won't give up

Saero un eumageul jeopae neon mwol wonhae
Yuhaeng iran cham ppeonhan dejabyu
Hwaryeo han geo meoseube hokae, oh, naye gonwe neon sansan motae

Jeonmal kkeuti nana gamdoneul neukkil chalna
Keun jonyureul jeonhal sungan geudaen imi eodiro gana
Nae jintongeul geochin my music bureuji motamyeon nothing

Niga duji motaedo I won't give up
Ijekkeo mwol neukkyeo wateon I won't give up
Jigeum boji motaedo I won't give up
No I won't give up, cause I won't give up
Nan niga deuji motaedo I won't give up
Ijekkeo mwol neukkyeo wateon I won't give up
Jeoldae boji motaedo I won't give up
No I won't give up, cause I won't give up

Jeonche seongi bujokan che saengak eopneun che mohohan
Munchaek biyan shimjeogin taedoga taebanin taese
Sutan bokje hamburo daehaneun geoteuri munjeya dodaeche

Yeah, ireoke tto mikkeudeon amugeoto moreun chaewo ani beong
Seureureuk humchyeo ganeun geol bwa man, 
What's wrong man nunchi mochael kkabwa

Niga duji motaedo I won't give up
Ijekkeo mwol neukkyeo wateon I won't give up
Jigeum boji motaedo I won't give up
No I won't give up, cause I won't give up
Nan niga deuji motaedo I won't give up
Ijekkeo mwol neukkyeo wateon I won't give up
Jeoldae boji motaedo I won't give up
No I won't give up, cause I won't give up

Naega eumageul haneun iyun hana, one
Naega gyeondyeo on apeumeul ara, you know
Jomyeongi bichun naega daga anya, moreugeji
One click, finished, done

Sorry yeojeonhi byeonham eopneun nae yeoljeongi
Hayan baekjireul han eobshi jjijeun gasaro bicheun mellodi
Mam gipi giyeok dwel music ojik neon geugeoman
Wonchi namgyeo jin geon machi neoye gachi
Neomu shipge soyu haja neon moreuji nae nunmure eumi jeoldae, 
Jeoldae, jeoldae

Niga duji motaedo I won't give up
Ijekkeo mwol neukkyeo wateon I won't give up
Jigeum boji motaedo I won't give up
No I won't give up, cause I won't give up
Nan niga deuji motaedo I won't give up
Ijekkeo mwol neukkyeo wateon I won't give up
Jeoldae boji motaedo I won't give up
No I won't give up, cause I won't give up

Nan niga deuji motaedo I won't give up
Ijekkeo mwol neukkyeo wateon I won't give up
Jeoldae boji motaedo I won't give up
No I won't give up, cause I won't give up

liryc best place

Ijen geuman naega shilhujyutdan mal gujitmalingul ara (da gujitmaliran gul) nuyeh noonman bwado nan al soo issuh
Duh eesangeun heundeulliji anhgessuh dashi naeh gero dorawa ( naegero dorawa) shiganee jinado nul ijji mothae

Neega isseul goseun udirado naehgen best place ni gyuten namankeum uh oollineun namjan ama ubseul gurago
Neega unjerado nae yupehman issuh joomyun best place
Ni gyuten namankeum nureul saranghaejool saram ubseul gurago

Nae gyuteh man issuh unjena nuneun nuyeh lady nae mameum nuwa hamggeh crazy
Nae gyutehman issuh namaneul barabomyun ok youngwonhee oori hamggeh crazy (love drives us crazy)

Nuwa na oori doori hamgeh jinaessuhdun iji mothal choouh modoo neega nae yupeh issuh numoo nado haengbokhaettdun shigan
Ijeneun numoo shwibgeh jinan aegi churum naegeh mareul haji modoo da numoo nado naengjung hageh plz I'm tell you ijji mothae~! 

Neega isseul goseun udirado naehgen best place
Ni gyuten namankeum uh oollineun namjan ama ubseul gurago
Neega unjerado nae yupeman issuhjoomyun best place ni gyuten namankeum nureul saranghaejool saram ubseul gurago

Nae gyuteh man issuh unjena nuneun nuyeh lady nae mameum nuwa hamggeh crazy(love drives us crazy)
Nae gyutehman issuh namaneul barabomyun ok youngwonhee oori hamggeh crazy (love drives us crazy)

L to the O to the V to the E machi amoo ildo ubdun guchurum
K to the I to the S to the S numaneul saranghae
T to the E to the A to the R haru harubonaegiga himdeuluh Oh, my love! Love! Love! 

Nae gyuteh man issuh unjena nuneun nuyeh lady nae mameum nuwa hamggeh crazy
Nae gyutehman issuh namaneul barabomyun ok youngwonhee oori hamggeh crazy

RAP)sarangeh michyuh ijeneun naega jichyuh oori ginagin choougeul pooluhhechyuh neega ubneun nae salmeun mooyehmihaejyuh geudaega ittdun geujari ro dorawa jwo (x2)

lyric love's way

Too much. heh.

Nan shingihan shilhumeul ara dan myut bangool binootmool nogimyun han kub sogeh nanwojyuh deungeul dollin gireumgwa moori suggyuh ggok oori toogwa biseuthae dashin an bol deut ssa ooda sarangeeran binooneh ssitgyuh uneusae mee oom ee sarajigon hae

Soobaek bun datoogo baekbun gaseum moonujyudo shildeuri ungkin deut ddaenael soo ubneun sarang
Jalmoseun gochigo suroyeh mam baewo gamyun unjenga haengbokman nameul gura midneun gul

Jom usaekhan aejungpyohyundo jaggu malhaebogi saranghae nul saranghae pigonhan nal ulgool pyojungdo suro wihaesuh gamchoogo
[All] nalmada sseudun ilgijangehdo nuyeh aegibaggeh ubdago
Gaggeum boyuh joomyunsuh gibbuhamyun joheul gut gata

Soobaek bun datoogo baekbun gaseum moonujyudo shildeuri ungkin deut ddaenael soo ubneun sarang
Jalmoseun gochigo suroyeh mam baewo gamyun unjenga haengbokman nameul gura midneun gul

RAP) chueumehneun mot mana udduhgeh iruggehdo dalla geuraedo geunyul mannago shipuhjineun nae mameul molla
Nal gyesog salgeh hae geunyul neuggil soo ittgeh oorin numoo dallado sarangeun gyesog dwaeyahae! 

Gupoomchurum sarajineun sarangeun wonchi anha malubshido junhaejineun geurun sarangeul wonhae na! 
Nal manna hwanggeum machaneun ggoomsogehsuhdo motta geuraedo nal mannaneun dongan nul ootgeh haejool sooneun ittjanha

Love's way! Love's way! You're my true Love~! 

Chwimiga dareugo neul saenggakee dallado ooriyeh seubgwa eun biseuthan goshi manha
Maltooga dalmagago jamdeuneun shigando maeil bam donghwaro uneusae majchwojin gul

lyric love like oksigen

Ttereojyeo ggaejil deutan tumyeonghan neupe
Dalkomhan dokmul peojideut
Hayake eoreobuteun nae oraen sangcheoga
Neoye gaseum sok gipge peojyeodo Oh Oh
Jabeun deut hal ttae pagodeuneun keuromee bineul nalkaroum

Sanso gateun neo
Nan neoman deurishwimyeon dashi naebaeteureul su eopseo
Ih janinhan gotong soge naega jugeogago itjana
Chagapgo shiridorok tumyeonghan mureul
Mashigo tto mashyeobwado
Hayake jillidorok dagaoneunmankeum
Neol hangsang hyanghae mogi malla
Jabeun deut hal ttae seumyeodeuneun
Seoroye sumgyeol ih budeureo-um

Sanso gateun neo
Nan neoman deurishwimyeon dashi naebaeteureul su eopseo
Ih janinhan gotong soge naega jugeogago itjana
Eodumgateun sarang dalkomhaetdeon gotong
Mulgyeolgatdeon naye jinshimeun
Eoreumgatdeon yuhok dalkomhaetdeon nunmul
Areumdapge nal dugo Oh

Sanso gateun neo
Nan neoman deurishwimyeon dashi naebaeteureul su eopseo
Ih janinhan gotong soge naega jugeogago itjana

Oh yeogibuteo nae sarangee apeum widokaesseul ttae
Ggaejyeobeorin naye eodum sogye deungbul
Naragabeorin gyeolguk nal beorin nareul gallabeorin jidokan hyeonshil
Ijen eopshi sumimakyeo
Galsurok jichyeo
Naege sanso gateun nege

Sanso gateun sanso gateun sanso gateun neo
Sanso gateun sanso gateun sanso gateun neo

(Can't live without you by my side)

Sanso gateun sanso gateun sanso gateun neo
Sanso gateun sanso gateun sanso gateun neo (sanso gateun neo oh oh oh~)
Sanso gateun sanso gateun sanso gateun neo Oh

liryc please dont go

[Onew] eojetbam kkumsoge nega naege dagawa
Soksagin geu mari nae eolgul manjideon geu meoritgyeori

[Jonghyun] kkumeseo kkaeboni neomunado seonmyeonghande
Nega inneun ge kkumieotdan geol nae nungae goyeojin nunmuri malhaejwosseo

[Jonghyun&Onew] andwaeyo andwaeyo geureoke gajimayo
Jebal han beonman han beonman nal dasi anajwoyo
[Jonghyun] dasi nungama neol boreo gamyeon geu jarie meomchun nareul anajwoyo

[Jonghyun] nuneul tteo boado ne moseumman seonmyeonghande
Nega inneunge kkumieotdan geol nae nunmure bichwojin seulpeumi malhaejwosseo

[Onew&Jonghyun] andwaeyo andwaeyo geureoke gajimayo
Jebal hanbeon man hanbeon man nal dasi anajwoyo
[Onew] dasi nungama neol boge doemyeon geu jarie meomchun nareul anajwoyo

[Jonghyun] aereul sseo aereul sseodo ttereul sseo ttereul sseo dasi dorawa

[Jonghyun&Onew] andwaeyo andwaeyo geureoke gajimayo
Jebal han beonman han beonman nal dasi anajwoyo
Andwaeyo andwaeyo geureoke gajimayo
Jebal han beonman han beonman nal dasi anajwoyo
[Onew] dasi nungama neol boreo gamyeon geu jarie meomchun nareul anajwoyo

liryc one from me

Banggeum geunyuh junhwareul badgo saenggakee cham manha jyussuh ujeh saranghadun aeinehgeh burimbadattdae
Jigeum oolmugeedun geunyul dallaejooruh gajiman nan naeshim gibbujineun maeumeum chameum sooga ubneundeh
Nan eenareul gidaryussuh nae uggaereul billyujoomyun noonmooreul daggajoogoh

Geunyuyeh yupeh, yungwonhee gyuteh, nae jaril mandeuluh nohgosuh, chingoo annin namjaro byunhae, seulpeumeun ubdorog jikyuhjool gurago anajoomyuh malhalguya

Jugi doo mooreupeh gogael pamoodgosuh ooneun geunyuh munjuh joomuneeyeh sonsoogun ggunae gunnehjoogohsuh
Ijuh! ijhyuh jil guya nal miduh geuruhgeh wirohaejoogoh ijeh numaneul barabwajool saram mannara haessuh
Ansseuruhoon geunyujiman geugeh du-oog yehbuh boyuh gi-uko oneureun

Geunyuyeh yupeh, yungwonhee gyuteh, nae jaril mandeuluh nohgosuh, chingoo annin namjaro byunhae, seulpeumeun ubdorog jikyuhjool gurago anajoomyuh malhalguya

Geutorog geuryu-on shigan geunyuh nae poomeh gidae oolgoh itjiman ee soongan naneun geunyul wihan
Joheun swil jariga dwaessuh (like a blanket~) jonghyun bomyunsuh mideumeul jiwoburil soo ittgeh deumjikgan namja dwilguya, you are the one for me! 

Geunyuyeh yupeh, yungwonhee gyuteh, nae jaril mandeuluh nohgosuh, chingoo annin namjaro byunhae, seulpeumeun ubdorog jikyuhjool gurago anajoomyuh malhalguya

Geunyuh mamsogeh jibeul jieulrae noogoodoh boosool soo ubdorog sarangeuro apeumee bolgo noonmoolee saeuhdo moonuhjiji anhneun ajoo teunteunhan anshigchureul

Oh~ doo bun dashi neun nohji anha heh uhjin hoo geunyuga nareul chaja gidaryuh wattdun geunyujanha poomeh angyuh geudaereul matgyuh naman miduh
Geu saramee nee gaseumeh namgin sarangyeh sanchuh! michuh! ijji mothal choougeul jiwoga sarangeun sarangeuro ichyuh jyuh gaja ijeh nuyeh yupyeh nareulbwa

liryc for season

Ttaseuhan bomi omyon 
Haessalmankeum haemalkke eutton
Noreul saenggakhae

Nalssiga pogeunhadamyon 
Bakkeuro nagajamyo nal ggaeugon haetji

Haru jongil doun yoreumedo
Nae gyote neul buto itton
Nae imae maechin dambangul
Neul dakkajudon niga saenggakna
Nol gidarilge

I'll wait for you until the end
Sagye jole sumoinneun ni museub
Nuneul gamabomyon non oneusae gyote isso

I'll wait for you
Byonhamobsi nol gidaryo
Sagye jole sumoinneun ni museub
Nuneul gamabomyon non oneusae gyote isso

Giokna oneu gaeul 
Soneul jabgo gorotton geu ril 
Dasi saenggakna

Noran muldeun nakyobeul
Hamkke hanal nanuo gajin giogi na

Sagyejol naenae gateungol 
Ajik non nae ane inneun gol
Chu un gyoulbaram bulttaemada 
Niga saenggakna haemada

Nalmada doraul guraneun himang han jum ajikkaji noji mothaesso 
Taptaphae kapkaphae but I could never let you go

Hin neun gadeuk naeridon hayang gyoul
Sujupke sonmulhan seuweto sogen
Ni hyanggiga namaisso
So baby I'll wait 

I'll wait for you until the end
Sagye jole sumoinneun ni museub
Nuneul gamabomyon non oneusae gyote isso

I'll wait for you
Sagye jole sumoinneun ni museub
Nuneul gamabomyon non oneusae gyote isso

No ttonadon gireul dora
Naege ogo isseulgoya

Jom neujeun chotneunchorom
Dwi neujeun yoreumbichorom

So baby I'll wait
I'll wait for you 
Wait for you

Jinagan daryogeul nomgideut 
Jayoseure nol gidaryo

I'll wait for you 
Gidaryo irohke
Sagye jole sumoinneun ni museub
Margeun gongjichorom nareul gamssajugo isso

I'll wait for you 
Gidarilge naneun nol gidarilge
Sagye joruel gidarineun nae maum pureun namu chorom
Onjena I jarie

Dori yogi nal oje mannan gotchorom choeum haejun geu yak sokchorom onjen-gan noreul majuchil su itgetji dasi hamkke hal su itgetji

Onjedeun hwi nuni nokdeusi noye maeum ttaseuhage naege nokyojulke

Non geunyang nae gyoteso kkumeul kkumyon
We together, you and I forever

This is my love story
True sad story

liryc in my room

[Onew] Jamdeulji anhneun bameh nooneul
gama geunyuhreul dduh-ollinda
amooguhtdoh mollatdun naega
nomu miwosuh
booreul kigoh bangeul dooruhbonda

[Jonghyun] huimihageh balga oneun
du nuni momchun got
boriji mothaetduhn
saengil sunmool
geurigoh nuh
geu modeun got

*[all]cause you were my sun, the moon
nae juhnboo yutdun nuh
nae bangeh itneun modeun gotdeuri nuhl geuriwohanabwa
nuhl wihae chajda jichyuhsuh
nuhl jamshi ijuhdoh
[Onew]soom gyunoheun ooriye choo-uhgee
[Jonghyun]gadeuk nama cause you're still in my room

[Jonghyun] salmiraneun badareul
hemaeda iluhbuhryutduhn goomdeuri
[Key] goosuk goosuk noga itneun
chaeksang suhrab geu sogeh
soomgyunohgo itduhn nuh

[Onew]muhnji sahin sangja sogen
baraejin sajingwa
uhrin mami damgin pyunjideul geu
rigo nuh
geu modeun guht

*repeat chorus

[Onew] buhrigoh doh boryuhdoh gi-ugeun
[key] nuhreul dashi booruh nohgoh
[jonghyun] nae apeh anjasuh
utgoh itneun nuhreul igoseh
gadooryuh haneundeh

*repeat chorus

liryc shinee world

Yeah, SHINee World
Asia producer, number one
SM as one
Get the break down! 

Sumgwangeul bondeuthan nuni buseojildeuthan
Ijeh sijakdweneun tansaeng
Nugungaga jikyeubogo isseo
SHINee World
Imi yesangdweneun nonrandeul yeah
Meotjin cheongeun pilyo eopseo
Urin norae haneun saramdeul
Geujeo choiseoneul euldahae
Mudae-eh sulddae
Jeulgyeo-umeul neukkyeo

S.H.I.N double E 
SHINee, GO! 
Geugeon baro urideulyeh seontaek

I wanna know you neoye gyeote
Gidarimeun kkeut ije uriga wasseo
We got the flow it's break your naughty
Jigeum I sungan modu sijakdwaesseo
I wanna show it da boyeojulge
Neoye meoritsogeun ije naega jeomryeong
We got the flow it's through my body
Bada deulyeo bwa ije SHINee segye! 

Go on and on and on Let me do it do it now
Jungdog doel geos gateun nalkaro-un miso
Geumsokseongeul gajin voice
SHINee dance! SHINee One Style! 
Ppyeotsokkaji seumyeodeulge
Do it slow it now
Jigeum naega neoye mame deuleoga

"Nunan neomu yeppeo"
I noraero nan baro Start
"sanso gateun" neoro dasi
Geunyeodeulye mameul naega sarojaba

Gyeoljeongjeogin sungan apenan
Falsetto gapiryohaji anhneunde
Ireon ge ganeung hagetna

I wanna know you neoye gyeote
Gidarimeun kkeut ije uriga wasseo
We got the flow it's break your naughty
Jigeum I sungan modu sijakdwaesseo
I wanna show it da boyeojulge
Neoye meoritsogeun ije naega jeomryeong
You got the flow it's through my body
Bada deulyeo bwa ije SHINee segye! 

I wanna get you in this party
Ppajyeodeuleo bwa naye Booming system
We got the flow it's break your naughty
Cool han choengeun nan jeoldae pilyo eoptgo
I wanna show it da boyeo julge
Eotteon geol hadeun naegen iyuga itgo
We got the flow it's through my body
Bada deulyeo bwa ije SHINee segye! 

Jigeum I sungan naye Feel like that! 
Pilyo eoptneun geol Anything like that! 
Nareul barabwa
Geudaero jeulgyeo beorimyeon dwae
Eotteon pyeongron gateun bunseokdo
Igeon jeoldae eouliji anhneungeol
Naege ppajyeobwa geugeol neukkyeobwa
SHINee makes love right now! 

I wanna know you neoye gyeote
Gidarimeun kkeut ije uriga wasseo
We got the flow it's break your naughty
Jigeum I sungan modu sijakdwaesseo
I wanna show it da boyeojulge
Neoye meoritsogeun ije naega jeomryeong
You got the flow it's through my body
Bada deulyeo bwa ije SHINee segye! 

'Bling Bling' is "Jonghyun"
Uri 'Bakryeoktaem' eun "Taemin"
'Dubu onrida' neun "Onew"
SHINee 'maneungyeolsoe' "Key"
'Bulkkoc kariseuma' "Minho"
My name is Minho
Urin biceul naeneun SHINee
Di-bi-di-bi-dis' dap di-bi-di-bi-dis' dap
We're living in the SMTown! 

Oh! Let me got a doo-bop doo-bop doo-bop! 
Oh! Let me got a doo-bop doo-bop doo-bop! 
Oh! Oh! Let me got a doo-bop doo-bop doo-bop!

liryc last gift

Nooneul ddeugi jocha shilhussuh soljighi midgiji anhassuh majimak he uhjijan insaneun nasulgiman haneega
Tujineun hansooman jaggu baetuh dooryuhwo gaseumee maejyuh hanmadi yego ubshi ibyul gunnehneun nul uddugeh miduh

I don't know why I can't move on balgureumee dulujijil anha gujimal gata oneul haruga gaseum hanjogee apawa

Nuehgeh ggiwojoon banjiga nae soneh chagabgeh dolawa nae maeum do gati doryuhbadeun majimak sunmool ibyurin gul

Namanyeh choouhdeuril gga younghwa han jangmyun churum nul mannatdun giugee nal nojil anhneunji naman apeun gunji

I don't know why I can't move on neega dashi doraol gut gata hokshi hoohwijoongilgga nae mamdo oomkigil soo ubsuh

Nuehgeh ggiwojoon banjiga nae soneh chagabgeh dolawa nae maeum do gati doryuhbadeun majimak sunmool
Unjebootuh ugeutnan gunji udibootuh jalmotdwin gunji nae maeumee nureul nohji anha jungmal ggeutinjin ibyurin gul

Nan swibji anha nae insa churum nae maeumee nae mamchurum dwijil anha nul ijeuryuh dajimeul doghageh haebwayagettji jal gyundil soo ittgeh

Nuehgeh ggiwojoon banjiga nae soneh chagabgeh dolawa nae maeum do gati doryuhbadeun majimak sunmool ibyurin gul
Unjebootuh ugeutnan gunji udibootuh jalmotdwin gunji nae maeumee nureul nohji anha jungmal ggeutinjin
[Jonghyun] naegen one last love...

liryc graze

[Minho] Uh! You gave me
You gave me a heart break
Come on

[Onew] Seuchyeoganda meoreojyeoganda
Neomu johahaetdeon geunyeoga
[Key] Deungeur dollin chaero
Chorahan gibun mwo gata
[Minho] Eokjiro samkyeo
[Jonghyun] Naboda meotjyeo boyeo ni yeope geu namja
(Neoui yeope geu namja)
Eojjeom geuri dareun geunyeo moseupdo

[All] Seuchyeoganda geu saram soneul jabeun chae
Meoreojyeoganda jogeum jinhan hwajangeur hago
[Jonghyun] Eopseotjanhni nan cheoeumbuteo
[All] Geujeo chakhanchingu jeongdoil ppuniya

[Minho] Uh! geujeo nan pyeonhan saramir ppun
Uh! geujeo seuchyeogan sarangil ppun

[Taemin] Seuchyeoganda meoreojyeoganda
Deo yeppeojin deuthan
[Key / Jonghyun] Hwajochado anna
[Jonghyun] Chorahan gibun mwosgata
[Minho] Eokjiro samkyeo
[Onew] Naboda jalna boyeo ne yeope geu namja
(Neoui yeope geu namja)
Eojjeom geuri dareun geunyeo moseupdo

[All] Seuchyeoganda geu saram soneul jabeun chae
Meoreojyeoganda jogeum jinhan hwajangeul hago
[Key] Eopseotjanhni nan cheoeumbuteo
[All] Geujeo chakhan chingu jeongdoil ppuniya

[Minho] Dodaeche naega eodiga geu saramgwa dareun ge mwolkka geunyeoui nunbicgwa momjisi nal wonhalji molla
Na hollo saenggage jamgida barami doeeo seuchyeogan geunyeoui moseube nunmuri na
[Key] Have you tried thinking about me
Given any thought about me
The times we stayed together like lovers flying free
I still love you! 
Seems like I should forget you
But when I see the picture that we took together
I can't ever forget you

[Onew] mwoga mothan geoni neoui geu saramboda
[Jonghyun] nuguboda jalhaejul su isseotneunde

[All] Seuchyeoganda geu saram soneur jabeun chae
Meoreojyeoganda jogeum jinhan hwajangeul hago
[Jonghyun] Eopseotjanhni nan cheoeumbuteo
[All] Geujeo chakhan chingu jeongdoil ppuniya

[Minho] Nae mameur humchyeogan geunyeoga seuchyeoga dalkomhan hyanggi naegeseo tteonaga
Gaseumsoge heureuneun nunmureur eokjiro samkyeo muneojineun nae mam geunyeoga alkka?

Jumat, 23 Juli 2010

lyric-lyric lagu justin bieber, dari lyric lagu baby, u smile, lyric favorite girl... gak lengkap2 amat sih........
tapi kalo nanti ada wakti lagi di tambahin lagi lyric nya..........

U Smile Lyrics


I'd wait on you forever and a day
Hand and foot
Your world is my world
Ain't no way you're ever gon' get
Any less than you should
Cause baby
You smile I smile (oh)
Cause whenever
You smile I smile
Hey hey hey

Your lips, my biggest weakness
Shouldn't have let you know
I'm always gonna do what they say (hey)

If you need me
I'll come running
From a thousand miles away
When you smile I smile (oh whoa)
You smile I smile

Baby take my open heart and all it offers
Cause this is as unconditional as it'll ever get
You ain't seen nothing yet
I won't ever hesitate to give you more
Cause baby (hey)
You smile I smile (whoa)
You smile I smile
Hey hey hey
You smile I smile
I smile I smile I smile
You smile I smile
Make me smile baby

Baby you won't ever work for nothing
You are my ins and my means now
With you there's no in between
I'm all in
Cause my cards are on the table
And I'm willing and I'm able
But I fold to your wish
Cause it's my command
Hey hey hey

You smile I smile (whoa)
You smile I smile
Hey hey hey
You smile I smile
I smile I smile I smile
You smile I smile

You smile I smile

You smile I smile

lyric favorite girl

I always knew you were the best
The coolest girl I know
So prettier than all the rest
The star of my show

So many times I wished
You'd be the one for me
But never knew it'd get like this
Girl, what you do to me

You're who I'm thinkin' of
Girl, you ain't my runner up
And no matter what
You're always number one

My prize possession, one and only
Adore you girl, I want you
The one I can't live without
That's you, that's you

You're my special little lady
The one that makes me crazy
Of all the girls I've ever known
It's you, it's you

My favorite, my favorite
My favorite, my favorite girl
My favorite girl

You're used to goin' out your way
To impress these Mr. Wrongs
But you can be yourself with me
I'll take you as you are

I know they said believe in love
It's a dream that can't be real
So girl let's write a fairytale
And show 'em how we feel

You're who I'm thinkin' of
Girl you ain't my runner up
And no matter what
You're always number one

My prize possession, one and only
Adore you girl, I want you
The one I can't live without
That's you, that's you

You're my special little lady
The one that makes me crazy
Of all the girls I've ever known
It's you, it's you

My favorite, my favorite
My favorite, my favorite girl
My favorite girl
Baby it's you

My favorite, my favorite
My favorite, my favorite girl
My favorite girl

You take my breath away
With everything you say
I just wanna be with you
My baby, my baby, oh

My miss don't play no games
Treat you no other way
Than you deserve
'Cause you're the girl of my dreams

My prize possession, one and only
Adore you girl, I want you
The one I can't live without
That's you, that's you

You're my special little lady
The one that makes me crazy
Of all the girls I've ever known
It's you, it's you

My prize possession, one and only
Adore you girl, I want you
The one I can't live without
That's you, that's you

You're my special little lady
The one that makes me crazy
Of all the girls I've ever known
It's you, it's you

You're my favorite girl
(My favorite, my favorite)
Favorite girl, favorite girl, favorite girl
(My favorite, my favorite girl, my favorite girl)

Favorite girl, favorite girl, favorite girl
(My favorite, my favorite, my favorite)
(My favorite girl, my favorite girl)
Favorite girl

pick me

Woah oh yeah
(Woah oh yeah)
Eh Eh
(we're chillin with the RCC - The Real Crystal Crew)
Woah oh oh yeah
You're the finest girl I've ever seen
And I wonder do you know this
That every guy you meet winds up catchin feelins for ya
You can have any of 'em
You can take your pick
But you need to check with me
Girl I promise I'm legit, yeah
Ya we'll be going to the movies
In the theater holding hands
I'll walk you home from school
I'll walk you to your classes
Playing my 360 as you be my best friend
But most of all baby doll you'll be my love love love

You should be pick me
So tell me can you dig it
I'm everything you need girl
So tell me can you dig it
I'll always be your number one number one fan (dig that)
And I should be your one and only man
You should pick me
So tell me can you dig it
Think of how good that it could be girl
So tell me can you dig it
I'll always be your number one number one fan(dig that)
And I should be your one and only man
You should pick me

Yeah, you should pick me girl

You're my favorite part of the day
And every morning I look forward to me seeing your face
I just need to see it some more
Baby I'm the kind of guy who can appreciate a girl as
amazing as you
So you gotta be my baby girl
Cause' we'll already be chillin' at the beach
I'll take you on a cruise, watch sun set while we eat
You can have anything you want cuz I'll be your best friend
But most of all baby doll you'll be my love love love

You should be pick me
So tell me can you dig it
I'm everything you need girl
So tell me can you dig it
I'll always be your number one number one fan (dig that)
And I should be your one and only man
You should pick me
So tell me can you dig it
Think of how good that it could be girl
So tell me can you dig it
I'll always be your number one number one fan (dig that)
And I should be your one and only man
You should pick me

You should pick the guy that makes you happy
Pick the flyest of 'em
Pick the one that's got swagger
Pick the one that makes you laugh
The one that always gots your back and
Who would rather die
Than make you sad

That's why you should pick me
So tell me can you dig it
I'm everything you need girl
So tell me can you dig it
I'll always be your number one number one fan (dig that)
And I should be your one and only man

You should pick me
So tell me can you dig it
Think of how that it could be girl
So tell me can you dig it
I'll always be your number one number one fan (dig that)
And i should be your one and only man
You should pick me

You should pick me
(the real crystal Crew)

Woah oh yeah
(Woah oh oh yeah)
Eh Eh
Woah oh oh yeah

dont to erth

I never thought that it'd be easy,
Cause we're both so distant now,
And the walls are closing in on us and we're wondering how,
No one has a solid answer,
But just walking in the dark,
And you can see the look on my face, it just tears me apart.

So we fight, (so we fight)
Through the hurt, (through the hurt)
And we cry and cry and cry and cry,
And we live, (and we live)
And we learn, (and we learn)
And we try and try and try and try!

So its up to you, (oh)
And its up to me, (yeah)
and we meet in the middle, on our way back down to earth,
Down to earth, down to earth, down to earth
On our way back down to earth,
Back down to earth x8

Mommy, you were always somewhere,
And Daddy, I live out of town,
So tell me how could I ever be, normal somehow?
You tell me this is for the best,
So tell me why am I in tears?
(Woo) so far away and now I just need you here,

So we fight, (so we fight)
Through the hurt, (through the hurt)
And we cry and cry and cry and cry,
And we live, (and we live)
And we learn, (and we learn)
And we try and try and try and try

So its up to you,
And its up to me,
And we meet in the middle, on our way back down to earth,
Down to earth x3

On our way back down to earth, (on our way back down to earth)
Back down to earth x8

I felt so far away,
From where we used to be,
And now we’re standing,
And where do we go,
when there’s no road (no road)
to get to your heart?
Let’s start over again!

So it’s up to you,
And it’s up to me,
And we meet in the middle, on our way back down to earth,
Down to earth, (down to earth)
Down to earth,
On our way back down to earth,

I never thought that it’d be easy,
Cause we’re both so distant now,
And the walls are closing in on us and we’re wondering how?


Ohh wooaah Ohh wooaah Ohh wooaah
You know you love me, I know you care
Just shout whenever, And I'll be there
You are my love, You are my heart
And we will never ever-ever be apart

Are we an item. Girl quit playing
"We're just friends"
What are you sayin?
said theres another and looked right in my eyes
My first love broke my heart for the first time,

And I was like
Baby, baby, baby ooh
Like baby, baby, baby noo
Like baby, baby, baby ooh
Thought you'd always be mine, mine

Baby, baby, baby oohh
Like baby, baby, baby noo
Like baby, baby, baby ohh
Thought you'd always be mine, mine

For you,i would have done what ever
And I just cant believe we ain't together
And I wanna play it cool, But I'm losing you
I'll buy you anything, ill buy you any ring
And I'm in pieces, Baby fix me
and just shake me til' you wake me from this bad dream

I'm going down, down, down, down
And I just can't believe, my first love won't be around

And I'm like,
Baby, baby, baby oooh
Like baby, baby, baby noo
Like baby, baby, baby ooh
Thought you'd always be mine, mine

Baby, baby, baby oooh
Like baby, baby, baby noo
Like baby, baby, baby ooh
Thought you'd always be mine, mine

Luda, When I was thirteen, I had my first love
There was nobody that compaired to my baby
And nobody came between us
or could ever come above
She had me going crazy
Oh I was starstruck
She woke me up daily
Don't need no Starbucks
She make my heart pound[wwwhhhooo]
and skip a beat when I see her in the street
and, At school, on the playground
But I really wanna see her on the weekend
She know she got me dazing
Cuz she was so amazing
And now, my heart is breakin'
But I just keep on sayin'

Baby, baby, baby ohh
Like baby, baby, baby noo
Like baby, baby, baby ohh
Thought you'd always be mine, mine

Baby, baby, baby ooh
Like baby, baby, baby noo
Like baby, baby, baby oooh
Thought you'd always be mine, mine

(Now I'm all gone)
Yeah, Yeah, Yeah
Yeah Yeah Yeah
(Now I'm all gone)
Yeah, Yeah, Yeah
Yeah, Yeah, Yeah

(Now I'm all gone)
Yeah, Yeah, Yeah
Yeah, Yeah, Yeah
Now I'm all gone, gone, gone, ooh
I'm gone

one less lonely girl

Alright, let's go

There's gonna be one less lonely girl
(One less lonely girl)
One less lonely girl
(One less lonely girl)

There's gonna be one less lonely girl
(One less lonely girl)
One less lonely girl

How many I told yous and start overs and shoulders
Have you cried on before?
How many promises, be honest girl
How many tears you let hit the floor?

How many bags you packed, just to take him back
Tell me that how many either ors
But no more if you let me inside of your inside your world
There'll be one less lonely girl

Saw so many pretty faces before I saw you, you
Now all I see is you
I'm coming for you
(I'm coming for you)

Don't need these other pretty faces like I need you
And when you're mine in the world
There's gonna be one less lonely girl

I'm coming for you, one less lonely girl
I'm coming for you, one less lonely girl
I'm coming for you, one less lonely girl
There's gonna be one less lonely girl

I'm coming for you, I'm gonna put you first
I'm coming for you, I'll show you what you're worth
That's what I'm gonna do, if you let me inside of your world
There's gonna be one less lonely girl

Christmas wasn't merry, 14th of February
Not one of 'em spent with you
How many dinner dates, set dinner plates
And he didn't even touch his food?

How many torn photographs I saw you taping back
Tell me that you couldn't see an open door
But no more, if you let me inside your world
There'll be one less lonely girl

Saw so many pretty faces before I saw you, you
Now all I see is you
I'm coming for you, I'm coming for you

Don't need these other pretty faces like I need you
And when you're mine in this world
There's gonna be one less lonely girl

I'm coming for you, one less lonely girl
I'm coming for you, one less lonely girl
I'm coming for you, one less lonely girl
There's gonna be one less lonely girl

I'm coming for you, I'm gonna put you first
I'm coming for you, I'll show you what you're worth
That's what I'm gonna do, if you let me inside your world
There's gonna be one less lonely girl

I can fix up your broken heart
I can give you a brand new start
I can make you believe, yeah
I just wanna set one girl free to fall, free to fall
She's free to fall, fall in love with me

Her heart's locked, and know what, I got the key
I'll take her and leave the world with one less lonely

There's gonna be one less lonely girl
One less lonely girl
One less lonely girl
One less lonely girl

There's gonna be one less lonely girl
One less lonely girl
One less lonely girl

I'm coming for you, one less lonely girl
I'm coming for you, one less lonely girl
I'm coming for you, one less lonely girl
There's gonna be one less lonely girl

I'm coming for you, I'm gonna put you first
I'm coming for you, I'll show you what you're worth
That's what I'm gonna do, if you let me inside your world
There's gonna be one less lonely girl

I'm coming for you, one less lonely girl
I'm coming for you, one less lonely girl
I'm coming for you, one less lonely girl
There's gonna be one less lonely girl

I'm coming for you, I'm gonna put you first
I'm coming for you, I'll show you what you're worth
That's what I'm gonna do, if you let me inside your world
There's gonna be one less lonely girl

Only you shawty